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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Venting, scrambling, and relief


Can I just say how much I dislike having salesmen come to my door? I have a hard time saying "no" and always end up regretting my purchase. Ok, let me clarify, I don't have a hard time saying "no," I have a hard time saying "no" multiple times. Yesterday, a guy stopped by and asked if we liked good beef steaks. I said "yes" and he quickly told me he was on the last of his run for the day and had extra steaks at a great price and ran and got a box. First of all, I'm sure this was a lie. Number 1 reason for why I don't like door-to-door salespeople.

Obviously, he was a quick talker and eventually, after I told him numerous times that I didn't have room in my freezer, he brought his price down to "less than his cost" in order to avoid a truck fee for not selling all his goods (yeah right). He also convinced me that once you removed them from the box, they don't take up much room--about the amount of a loaf of bread. This was an exaggeration. Number 2 reason for why I don't like door-to-door salespeople.

He eventually got me convinced that this was a good price for the steaks and came to about $2 per steak, and they were quality ones. Ok, I caved and later thought about his math and realized he had to have been including the "steak burgers" in that calculation to get to $2 per steak, which makes it much less of a good deal b/c that isn't really steak in my opinion--it is a burger. Misleading information. Number 3 reason for why I don't like door-to-door salespeople.

After he left, I found out that I was right. I don't have enough freezer space for this beef. I was starting to stress out b/c I had just spent $130 on beef ($120, but as I was writing out the check, he told me about another $10 charge which I can't remember what it was for, but it bugged me. Just be upfront right away!!) and it was going to thaw if I didn't make more freezer space. All the pieces were individually vacuum packed, which is great for convenience, but not great for stacking. Half of the contents of my freezer kept falling out on me, and I eventually got 4 of the 6 boxes shoved into the freezer while I held the meat in and tried to slam it shut so it wouldn't fall out. I was about to cry and just decided to call him and have him quick come back. Well, the number he gave me obviously wasn't a cell number and I couldn't get ahold of a single person. I then decided to run outside and see if he was at a neighbor's house and I could flag him down--no luck, but fortunately, my neighbor was outside getting her mail and she agreed to store 2 boxes of my meat for me so it wouldn't thaw. Blake and I then went over there and chatted while we had a small treat with her. I felt so much better, but still felt sick about having to fight with my freezer for who knows how long. I didn't dare open it up b/c I would be buried. Why do I fall for this stuff??? I always regret it later when I actually have a moment to think about it without someone constantly telling me I need it. Don't try to sell me something I don't want. Number 4 (and probably biggest) reason for why I don't like door-to-door salespeople!!

4 of the six boxes of steak


Later, Scott comes home and I tell him my woes. Being the wonderful husband that he is, he eventually makes me feel better and tells me we'll just grill steaks for our guests who come to see the baby. He also informs me that we have frozen meals at church waiting for us to help when the baby comes. I feel even worse. I think it all made me upset enough that I started having some consistent, painful contractions. I had also slept terrible the night before since I had taken a 2 hour nap yesterday, so I was just tired. Great, not the time that I want to go into labor!! Plus, after 10 pm at night is a horrible time to go into labor, especially when you have a 2 year old sleeping upstairs. I wasn't sure if it was false labor, but the longer I waited to see, the later it got making it more difficult to find someone to watch Blake. Plus, I wasn't actually prepared to head to the hospital yet, so we were scrambling around trying to pack, etc.  I had just gotten an e-mail from our small group with the weeks prayer requests and they added at the bottom for "Extra prayers from all of us to Scott & Betty for the baby to arrive soon and healthy!" Great, someone was praying for our baby to come now. I quickly counteracted those prayers and prayed that the baby wouldn't come right now!  It worked :) My contractions eventually stopped and we were able to go to sleep--thank you Lord!


Well, to my relief, the beef company finally called me back this morning and they are going to pick up the beef and give me a full refund! Yea!! I seriously don't need all that steak and didn't want to fight my freezer for the next couple months. I have a full freezer from freezing some tomatoes from our garden, which I also didn't want to use right away just to make room. So, in conclusion, I apologize to anyone who is coming to see our baby that steak will not be on the menu. :)

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