So, our old nanny is now a facebook friend with me and she is now nannying for another child. Well, she sometimes posts pictures of the little girl she nannys, which for the record, I think it totally unprofessional to post pictures of people's kids without their consent. So, I decided to "stalk" her facebook page for when she was a nanny for us and came upon these disturbing status updates:
"Scene: blake in toy area where he cannot get out....Reason: helping him learn to play on his own......he starts to cry and his mother walks in and picks him up so he doesn't cry....and she wonders why she has to mop while holding her 10 month old"
"Thankful my boy can play happily by himself in the playpen. Not so happy Blake is not the same way, ahhh 3 more weeks till the screaming is over! unless I get another job. :)"
"Blake has cried almost all nerves are SHOT, I've heard a lot of crying and this kid beats all! lol Love my lil Blakey!"
Wow. I knew that she kept her son in the pack-n-play during the day, but I knew Blake hated it, so I didn't think she used it for him, especially since when I'd come home, her son would be in it, but Blake wouldn't. Then one day, about a week before her last day, Blake and her son were both in it and she commented that they'd both been playing happily in there for a while. I held my tongue b/c she was almost done but I was not happy. Little did I know that she'd been forcing him to play in there against his will. There were a couple toys in there, most of which Blake didn't play with anyway. Do not, I repeat, do NOT stick my child in a cage so it makes your job easier. Crawling babies are supposed to explore and examine their environment, not be stuck in a cage so their nanny can surf the internet!!
So so glad she is not our nanny anymore. Last night when I found this out, I read Scott her status updates. He was more upset than I was, but this morning I kept thinking about it and got more and more upset thinking about how many times she must have forced him in there.
Anyway, on a more positive note, I came across the cutest thing yesterday while grocery shopping. The store I went into had, for the first time that I've seen since having a child, a little shopping cart with a pole and flag that said "Customer in Training." I wasn't there to shop for much, so Blake pushed that around the whole (well, almost the whole) time. It was so adorable and people loved watching him! Around the floral department, there were some animal balloons w/o helium, so they were eye level--yeah, had to carry him past that. So, the training went well, but not perfect ;)
I think I might go back today just to get some pictures...:)
Oh my...I was so sad to read this. That is not even close to the picture of Blake's personality. Blake is so easy to love and care for. At least, you can be thankful this isn't happening anymore and Blake was so young he won't ever remember this. But, I do think I'll just have to give Blake some extra hugs and love the next time I see him:) In fact, give him an extra hug today from Aunt Debbie!
Yes, I did give him some extra hugs and cuddles the day I wrote this! Yes, I'm thankful it isn't happening anymore, but it still makes me upset to know we were paying her more than we would for daycare for the purpose of giving Blake more attention than he would receive in daycare, which we stressed when we hired her. I guess we should have had the nanny cam...lesson learned :)
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