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Monday, March 4, 2013

Great weekend

Wow, really didn't think I'd have time to blog today of all days! I am watching all three kids today, one of whom is teething, one is an infant, and the other has a cold. Well, they are all peacefully sleeping and have been for at least an hour. I've been able to finish the dishes, clean up the toys and books, and gather Jake and Caitlin's stuff for their parents. I was thinking today would be hectic! Ok, so it is currently Monday & I wrote this Friday. So, I had some time to blog, but not quite enough :)

Scott and I have had a busy week--Scott with two tests and a hard homework to hand in, and me without a husband :) Also, we had our favorite family visiting last weekend, which was so much fun, but does take a little while to get back to normal after having company, including eating quite a few leftovers, since it appears I made two times too much of everything!

We went skiing at Devil's Head, which is about 45 minutes from Madison. Scott enjoyed it as a snowboarder, but I was a little disappointed in the morning with the lack of steepness of the slopes. We found some better slopes in the afternoon and I was also dressed warmer, so I had more fun after lunch!

Here is a picture of Debbie, who took care of Blake the whole afternoon. I don't even think Scott or I changed a diaper...I love that she loves him so much and it is awesome having a break!! She also watched him the whole time at the ski resort b/c the daycare staff were late, so she started watching him and found out he wasn't too bad, so wanted to watch him the rest of the day. He actually fell asleep in her lap twice this weekend, which may be a record :)

Debbie and a sleepy Blake
So, change of subject: Sometimes I have a hard time keeping a straight face when I am scolding Blake. Today was one of those days. He takes his (plastic) plate with spaghetti sauce and noodles still on it, observes it, then without looking, he tosses it over his shoulder with sauce going everywhere. I wasn't thrilled about it, but the way he nonchalantly tossed it over his shoulder like it was salt over the shoulder just cracked me up. Then, when I'm on my knees cleaning it up, he leans over the highchair and wants to get down. I look up to tell him that he can't until I clean this up b/c I don't want him stepping in it, and I am confronted with this face:

Oh my goodness, I lost it. The first picture is a better shot of the color of his face. So much for teaching him not to throw food when I laugh right along with him!

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