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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Irresistible Blueberries

After our cabin weekend, we were very low on food, so Blake and I went grocery shopping. While carrying in groceries, I grabbed the mail. We had received a tax document addressed to someone else, but our street name was slightly misspelled, so I went online to see if there really was a street name like that. There wasn't, so I was going to stick back in the mail and say "return to sender." Well, I got a little distracted and did a little more online than I was planning, but only a few minutes worth. During this time, Blakey was unusually quiet...I assumed I would find groceries spread around the living room. Well, this was partially true....but this is how I found him: 
Mmmm, blueberries!!

Mom, look at all these blueberries!

Hmmm, where's a really good one?

Oh, here we go!


Oh, there were a couple casualties as well... :)

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