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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Halloween 2014


He was so serious about trick-or-treating. I just love taking him--he loves going up to the houses and ringing the bells and taking candy. His first couple houses he was unsure what was going on, would look people in the eyes and linger as they talked to him. After a couple houses, he caught on that he got candy at every. house. No more lingering, no more eye contact, and no more uncertainty, he was on a mission. He would ring the doorbell, wouldn't look up, just had his eyes on the goal, head down. When he had secured his prize, he whisked around, muttered the mandatory "thank you" and was headed to the next house with a spring in his step as we discussed whether to take the sidewalk, cross the street, or cut across the lawn. He would eagerly participate in the conversation and was willing to take whatever route necessary, regardless of his cold hands. I don't know how many pictures I took of this monkey as he took off to get some candy.

Boldly approaching each house. 

Is there anyone coming??
Leading the way

Mommy and he little lion. Sadie was fussy that night, until we got outside, then she was an angel. Amazing how much kids love the outdoors, regardless of the timperature!

Posing...don't ask my why I crouched...I did this in every picture. Maybe to get closer to Blake...??

Had to hold the candy in front of his face...

At least my crouch wasn't as bad in this picture

Blake's selection of his candy treat for the night. He loves himself a lollypop!

Sorting through the loot

The monkey sucking on a lollypop :) 

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