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Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas 2013--brief overview :)

This year we decided that it would be too much to make every family gathering with two little ones, so we were going to take it easy and not force it. Well, turns out everyone was having their gathering on a different day, so we were able to make every one! Call us crazy.
December 21st--Spaeth side
December 22nd--Kramer side
December 25th--Spaeth immediate family
December 26th--Miles immediate family
December 26th--Miles' side
December 28th--Haasken side
Yes, we stayed in MN the whole time! Thanks to Maggie & Scott for letting us crash at their place on the 20th in Rochester, MN. My parent's is a hard drive--just a little too long to leave after work, not far enough to justify a hotel on the way, and too far to leave in the morning and make a 12 noon get-together! So, we appreciated the lodging and breakfast we were able to share with Scott Waterman.
Last year we got a great sibling picture with the superhero shirts my parent's got my brothers for Christmas, but this year, we got a great sisters picture!! Kelly (on the far left) will be officially a sister this June and we're super excited for her and Gary!!
Kelly, Betty, Kristi, Sarah, and Priscilla at the Kramer Christmas

My beautiful grandma ("Omi" to us) and two of my lovely aunts, Deb and Julie
Of course there is basketball at the Kramer Christmas. Scott loves this aspect of the day!
Don't forget about this little guy--he loved the gym probably more than his Daddy did. He spent the whole day in here and I hardly saw the kid! By the way, these little cars were great!!
Dad shooting some hoops

Blake deciding to join him

Betty deciding to join him and Blake

Shooting hoops together, just me and my baby

Let's try to dunk!!

Ok, sorry Blakey, Mommy isn't tall enough for you to even get the basketball to the hoop. I tried...:)

Mom & Blakers

Violet, the one who loves babies, with our little Sadie

Scott's 94 year old Grandpa Miles with his 4 children (Scott's Dad is far right). If you look closely, you might be able to see the handlebar (twirly) mustache his uncle Dicky is sporting :)

I guess Christmas festivities were a little much for this duo

Sadie with her "my first Christmas" onsie from auntie Amber and pants from auntie Priscilla. She's a lucky little girl!
Aaaaand, that's about it with the Christmas pictures since I rarely got my camera out. I always regret that, but do it so frequently. Overall, we had a busy, but fun Christmas. Blake did fantastic and disappeared at most functions to go play and I had to search him out to feed him and change his diaper. I couldn't believe how hard he played--it was fun to see. I told Scott that we no longer had a little baby, but a little boy who loves to play!!

Sadie was a champ, like always. I'm so lucky to have such a good baby!! She's been sleeping through the night on a semi-regular basis, so that is great as well!! Two nights ago, we put her down at 9 pm, and she woke up at 7 am--love it!!

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