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Thursday, January 30, 2014

A little bit in the life of the Miles

My how time flies between posts! I decided I had some time to sit down and blog and the amount of pictures I had to sift through made me realize it has been a couple weeks already. Well, with kids that are so fun to photograph and of course the obvious, digital photography, it makes for a handful of pictures!

Where shall we start? Well, I guess at the most recent photos. Once again, while I was tending to Sadie, Blake was downstairs on the main level taking care of himself. I had left some unopened peppermint bark yogurt on the counter, that I had purchased at 75% off since it was seasonal, and of course, Blake found it. I guess I figured, "what are the chances he'll even to think to check for food on the counter, he'll get a chair to check, and lastly, that he'll even be able to open the yogurt?"

I have started to realize that my initial thoughts for something tend to come true, so I'd better start listening to my thoughts!! When I put Scott's phone in the cubby in the rental car and briefly thought, "This is a spot I could forget about it" and then reasoned that thought away, later proceeding to do exactly that.

Well, turns out Scott loved the flavor of that yogurt so much he sent me an e-mail saying how good it was. I responded and said, "too bad it is seasonal and Blake just ate one of them." :)

Easily opened yogurt container, complete with Teddy assisting in the act.

Want some Mommy? "Yeah right, I know that trick Blake!" He frequently offers me food, only to quickly pop it into his mouth right after offering and declining my open mouth. 
Ok, a little about Blake and Sadie's daddy. What does Daddy like to do? I think everyone who knows Scott knows this question. He likes to nap!! When Scott is ready for a nap, there is not much that stands in his way to taking one...immediately. Thus, if no blanket is on the couch already, Scott has to improvise:

Yes, he did do this and yes, he is sleeping in this picture.
I guess changing little Sadie's diaper was a little too much for him. He would never last as a stay-at-home dad!

Scott and Sadie

I love this picture of him snapping her sleeper and her expression!
Oh Blake, why do you hate camera's so? Never underestimate why it is important to have Teddy nearby at all times. You never know when you might need to block the camera! 
Well, this is why blogging doesn't always happen. This is the amount I got done during the time both of my children were asleep, but alas, I hear Blake calling for me. Until next time...:)

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