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Thursday, January 30, 2014

A little bit in the life of the Miles

My how time flies between posts! I decided I had some time to sit down and blog and the amount of pictures I had to sift through made me realize it has been a couple weeks already. Well, with kids that are so fun to photograph and of course the obvious, digital photography, it makes for a handful of pictures!

Where shall we start? Well, I guess at the most recent photos. Once again, while I was tending to Sadie, Blake was downstairs on the main level taking care of himself. I had left some unopened peppermint bark yogurt on the counter, that I had purchased at 75% off since it was seasonal, and of course, Blake found it. I guess I figured, "what are the chances he'll even to think to check for food on the counter, he'll get a chair to check, and lastly, that he'll even be able to open the yogurt?"

I have started to realize that my initial thoughts for something tend to come true, so I'd better start listening to my thoughts!! When I put Scott's phone in the cubby in the rental car and briefly thought, "This is a spot I could forget about it" and then reasoned that thought away, later proceeding to do exactly that.

Well, turns out Scott loved the flavor of that yogurt so much he sent me an e-mail saying how good it was. I responded and said, "too bad it is seasonal and Blake just ate one of them." :)

Easily opened yogurt container, complete with Teddy assisting in the act.

Want some Mommy? "Yeah right, I know that trick Blake!" He frequently offers me food, only to quickly pop it into his mouth right after offering and declining my open mouth. 
Ok, a little about Blake and Sadie's daddy. What does Daddy like to do? I think everyone who knows Scott knows this question. He likes to nap!! When Scott is ready for a nap, there is not much that stands in his way to taking one...immediately. Thus, if no blanket is on the couch already, Scott has to improvise:

Yes, he did do this and yes, he is sleeping in this picture.
I guess changing little Sadie's diaper was a little too much for him. He would never last as a stay-at-home dad!

Scott and Sadie

I love this picture of him snapping her sleeper and her expression!
Oh Blake, why do you hate camera's so? Never underestimate why it is important to have Teddy nearby at all times. You never know when you might need to block the camera! 
Well, this is why blogging doesn't always happen. This is the amount I got done during the time both of my children were asleep, but alas, I hear Blake calling for me. Until next time...:)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blake conquers his fear

Well, yesterday marked a huge accomplishment in Blake's life and his first step towards manhood. I'm not sure how I feel about seeing my little baby grow up so fast, but he is. I'm such a proud mother seeing him be so brave! He's a daring, courageous little boy who...are you ready for it?? He is a daring, courageous little boy who is no longer scared of........the vacuum cleaner!! :)

Ok, so there is a slight amount of sarcasm in the above paragraph, but it was really fun to see. He started to whine like normal when I got out the monster, I mean, vacuum cleaner.  Then he proceeded to sit on the bed, next to Sadie, and watch me vacuum. As I write this, I all of a sudden realized one difference: Sadie. I hadn't thought about that before!! I wonder if that was the difference?? Anyways, Sadie was crying and stopped when I started vacuuming and Blake just sat (kind of nervously at first) and watched, not moving from that bed. He also didn't say in his relieved voice "all done!!!" when I was finished :)

After we went downstairs, he requested we go back up and vacuum!!! Of course, I agreed and re-vacuumed certain high traffic sections. I'm not sure why he requested it, and he still sat still on the bed and watched, but I think he was a little excited about conquering his fear as well! :) Go Blake!!!

Sadie is my typical baby, Blake was my non-typical baby.

Sadie like to rock to sleep--Blake didn't
Sadie likes white noise (like the vacuum)--Blake didn't. He only wanted music
Sadie likes a pacifier--Blake couldn't have cared less
Sadie gets mad when Blake bugs her--Blake didn't care if other kids bugged him, oh wait, that didn't happen for him. :)

Love my babies!

Video of Sadie :)

16 seconds of baby coos :)

Brotherly love--he is bouncing his little sister

And she likes it!! :)
 Sadie went for her 2 month appt yesterday and she is 12 lbs 8 oz (67th percentile) for weight, 23" tall (50th percentile), and 39.8 cm (77th percentile) for head circumference. Poor Blake couldn't break the 25th percentile for height and weight for at least a year, I believe.

We also found at the appointment that Sadie has what is called a vascular birthmark on her eye which is referred to as hemangioma. If you look at the picture below, you can see that her left eye is slightly shut. The hemangioma is a blood vessel that is enlarged or raised, making her eyelid a little swollen and closing her eye a bit. This should only last until about 9 months or so, but we have been referred to a pediatric eye doctor to make sure it isn't too bad and affecting her vision. In babies, if you don't use your eye, you lose the ability to use it, so it is important to get it checked out. If she needs treatment, there is a medication that stops the blood vessel from growing. So, not a big deal and apparently fairly common, but something we are going to get checked out. Another reason I guess why it is good to get the normal appointments for children, b/c I just assumed she had a lazy eye. I'm kind of glad that isn't the case, b/c the hemangioma is temporary. She also has a red dot at the base of her eyelid from this, and that should go away as well :)
Isn't she cute?!
 Yesterday, as I was changing Sadie and putting her down for a nap, Blake was downstairs all by himself. It sounded quiet, so I wasn't too worried.
I came downstairs to a frigid main level and noticed the patio door wide open, Blake with a little shovel in hand, and a small pile of snow in the house. Blake had been shoveling the snow into the house and after I shut the door, he said "shoe!" and pointed outside. Oh yes, he had thrown my boots out as well. Thanks a lot, Blake! :)
Haha, notice my boots in the background :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Colorado fun

This year, we finally decided to head to Colorado to go skiing. We hadn't done this in about 5 years and when our friends in IN asked if we wanted to go (and offered to babysit our kids while we skied), we jumped at the chance (I mean really, how can you turn that down?!). Then....I started to think about the hassle with a new baby, the travel arrangements and such and started to think about backing out. Scott wanted to drive to save money and so we could bring our own gear and tried to convince me that Blake could handle it if we split the drive up two days there and back. I wasn't convinced--I just couldn't do that to Blake--it was too far. I said that if we drove, we definitely weren't taking a bouncing toddler with us.
So, we searched for flights leaving from Chicago and Milwaukee b/c those would be the most reasonable, but the Milwaukee flight left so did we get up super early with two kids and make the flight, or go spend the night in Milwaukee, thus defeating the purpose of why we were searching out of Milwaukee and Chicago. Then I decided to check Madison flights (for some reason, it didn't even cross my mind to do this b/c Madison is so small), and found out they were the same price as Milwaukee!!! Yea!!! I was still a little hesitant to buy them since I was pregnant and had not yet met our new baby and didn't know if he/she would be fussy, premature, etc.
Well, turns out our Sadie is wonderful, and turns out flying with two kids isn't great either, but we made it work. Actually, I can't complain about the kids--they did great. It was my packing style that created the most stress. Blake is 2 now, so we had to buy him a ticket and with that comes a free carry-on and personal bag--yay! Also, diaper bags and car seats are free carry-ons. "Load 'em up!!" was my philosophy when packing b/c we were allowed 3 carry-ons, 3 personal bags, 2 free diaper bags, and 2 car seats! That makes for 8 bags and two car seats. Well....I found out that Denver doesn't allow the carts past security and even though we can get all that CRAP to the gate, doesn't mean it is easy to get it on the plane. The luggage was definitely the biggest stressor for me. It was so much stuff, so heavy, and all done trying to keep track of a toddler and carry an infant. Blake was great, but dang his fear of escalators and moving sidewalks!!!!! I actually had to carry him, along with this other stuff, while we rode the escalator. By the way, forward facing car seats are not easy to lug around!! Found out later that car rental agencies rent them out...should have checked that out!
Through all of this, we found that there is definitely some pity for cheapskates like ourselves. People lifted Blake onto the Tram between Denver terminals, held his hand so Mommy could take the moving sidewalk, held elevator doors (yes, we got smart about avoiding the escalators), offered to help carry luggage, didn't count or measure our carry-ons, and let us put his orange juice on their tray table b/c there wasn't room to put mine down while holding Sadie.
Fortunately, in Madison, we were the last people on the plane, so they had to check 3 of our bags (yay!!).
Unfortunately, the plane was unbearably hot, had turbulence, and didn't have the barf bag in the seat pocket of the seat in front of me. Yeah, thanks Frontier. Sorry about your blanket, Sadie!!
Fortunately, we didn't miss or have any of our flights canceled, like our friends in IN who ended up driving through the night to get there!
Unfortunately, I forgot Scott's cell phone in the rental car and we didn't have time to go get it before our flight left (they are charging an arm and a leg to send it to us though, so that's awesome). :)
Fortunately, we had new powder our second day of skiing and had an awesome day!!
Unfortunately, our last day of skiing gave me a glimpse of what a winter storm in the mountains could be like and that was the only day I brought my camera, so with the blowing snow and cold, I didn't pull it out, beautiful mountain pictures :(
Fortunately, we had no major injuries!!
Unfortunately, I took a hard fall the last day and ended up with a pretty elbow and leg :)

Blake on the plane. He is actually whining here and starting to lean forward to escape the camera, but hey, it looks like a smile :) This was near the end of our flight back to Madison and it was definitely past his nap time!
One thing Blake loves to do is watch videos our ourselves on my camera, so I recorded him on the plane for him to watch over and over to pass the time while he had to have his seat belt fastened (which he HATED). Here is the video :)
We started our trip spending the weekend (and a good part of Monday) with David and Kristi and Clara. The guys gave us gals a break and we headed to the gym for some swimming for me and cardio/weights for Kristi. It was really nice to get to the gym--it's been way too long! Then, we got the brilliant idea to give each other a date night! Scott and I went out on Saturday night while David and Kristi watched our kids and they went out on Sunday night while we watched Clara. Wish we lived closer so we could do this more often! We enjoyed our stay, David's hummus, Kristi's cooking, our date night, workouts, independent films (...or not :) ) and believe it or not, but we are one step closer to solving the health care dilemma, right David?? ;) j/k
When we got to the mountains, we found our bedroom and while I was feeding Sadie, Blake found his own toy. Here are a couple videos with Blake using Sadie's pacifier. We just got such a kick out of it, probably b/c Blake with a pacifier, even as an infant, is something we never really saw.
He doesn't even really know how to suck it--see his cheeks sucked in as he tries to hold it in his mouth, haha!
Yeah, this wasn't our only shot--Scott was obviously loving this :)

One of our babysitters :) LeaAnn loved to hold Sadie while she was crying and fell asleep with her a couple times :)

John making breakfast--him and LeaAnn kept us well fed in the mornings!

Debbie, our fellow gamer, and Scott

Mindy getting ready to hit the slopes!

Blake running around us while we got ready, Teddy Bear was along for the ride :)

Tasha getting ready--Blake is slightly obsessed with Tasha...well, at least Tasha on video. In person, he thought Tasha, Mindy, and Ariel were all Tasha. I guess you guys all DO look alike :)

Blake gave her a big hug, but then wouldn't reproduce it again for the camera, so Tasha grabbed him for the camera :)

Scott and his senior picture pose :)

Bonnie took over the lower kitchen to produce a fantastic meal on Thursday!!
 Scott and I took a day off from skiing to show Blake the joys of mountain snow. This was a serious sledding "hill" and with the thin mountain air, we were quite out of breath at the top. Scott took Blake up and this was his reaction:

Blake sledding in CO
Yeah...we weren't surprised. Two things that Blake has refused to budge on are his fear/disdain for vacuum cleaners and sleds. Oh well, we'll definitely try again!! :)

Trying to get a smile out of the kid

Our sledding "hill"

Our lodging

There's a smile!!!!!

Wheee, Mommy is having so much fun!! (Not :) )

Scott making his way up. First time down w/o Blake, Blake was upset that Daddy was sledding. After that, we made a big deal about going down and how fun it was, and then he laughed as we went down. Still wouldn't budge on getting on the sled himself, though.

Scott going over the jump. See, Blake's not stupid. :)

Making a huge deal about it for Blake :)

Add caption

Me and my Blakers

My turn down!

Snow sucks. I'm getting out of here.

Debbie with our little Sadie :) Sadie got a little spoiled here...:)

Ariel's first time using a gas stove!! Had to document this. Her first meal on the gas stove? French toast, Whitsitt style.

Me and Mindy in front of an ice sculpture

Me and Ariel in front of the ice sculpture train. Too bad Blake wasn't here! This was our last day skiing when it was too cold and windy for me to last long, so we checked out the Keystone shops.
In the evenings, we played games, had devotionals with some singing, and just enjoyed each other's company. Several people really struggled with the altitude, so that was unfortunate, but by Wed people were starting to feel better, as long as they kept hydrated. Scott and I skied Keystone and A-basin, with several of the others hitting up Breckenridge. The snow was a little sparse the first day, but then we got a few inches and it was great the rest of the time!

It was a great bunch of people and we hope to do it again! When we arrived in Madison, there had been some ice, snow was a few days old, so really dirty, and lots of leafless trees. A far cry from the beautiful CO mountains and evergreen trees with freshly fallen snow, but it was still good to be home :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas 2013--brief overview :)

This year we decided that it would be too much to make every family gathering with two little ones, so we were going to take it easy and not force it. Well, turns out everyone was having their gathering on a different day, so we were able to make every one! Call us crazy.
December 21st--Spaeth side
December 22nd--Kramer side
December 25th--Spaeth immediate family
December 26th--Miles immediate family
December 26th--Miles' side
December 28th--Haasken side
Yes, we stayed in MN the whole time! Thanks to Maggie & Scott for letting us crash at their place on the 20th in Rochester, MN. My parent's is a hard drive--just a little too long to leave after work, not far enough to justify a hotel on the way, and too far to leave in the morning and make a 12 noon get-together! So, we appreciated the lodging and breakfast we were able to share with Scott Waterman.
Last year we got a great sibling picture with the superhero shirts my parent's got my brothers for Christmas, but this year, we got a great sisters picture!! Kelly (on the far left) will be officially a sister this June and we're super excited for her and Gary!!
Kelly, Betty, Kristi, Sarah, and Priscilla at the Kramer Christmas

My beautiful grandma ("Omi" to us) and two of my lovely aunts, Deb and Julie
Of course there is basketball at the Kramer Christmas. Scott loves this aspect of the day!
Don't forget about this little guy--he loved the gym probably more than his Daddy did. He spent the whole day in here and I hardly saw the kid! By the way, these little cars were great!!
Dad shooting some hoops

Blake deciding to join him

Betty deciding to join him and Blake

Shooting hoops together, just me and my baby

Let's try to dunk!!

Ok, sorry Blakey, Mommy isn't tall enough for you to even get the basketball to the hoop. I tried...:)

Mom & Blakers

Violet, the one who loves babies, with our little Sadie

Scott's 94 year old Grandpa Miles with his 4 children (Scott's Dad is far right). If you look closely, you might be able to see the handlebar (twirly) mustache his uncle Dicky is sporting :)

I guess Christmas festivities were a little much for this duo

Sadie with her "my first Christmas" onsie from auntie Amber and pants from auntie Priscilla. She's a lucky little girl!
Aaaaand, that's about it with the Christmas pictures since I rarely got my camera out. I always regret that, but do it so frequently. Overall, we had a busy, but fun Christmas. Blake did fantastic and disappeared at most functions to go play and I had to search him out to feed him and change his diaper. I couldn't believe how hard he played--it was fun to see. I told Scott that we no longer had a little baby, but a little boy who loves to play!!

Sadie was a champ, like always. I'm so lucky to have such a good baby!! She's been sleeping through the night on a semi-regular basis, so that is great as well!! Two nights ago, we put her down at 9 pm, and she woke up at 7 am--love it!!