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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Family Visits

For the 4th of July weekend, we had a couple sets of company from family, which was awesome. First, Scott's sister and her family were coming through the area, so they stopped for the night and hung out with us in the morning. Blake loved having his cousins around--he was so entertained by them! When it was time for them to leave, he crawled in the back of their minivan and waved good-bye to Scott. He resisted when Scott tried to take him out--it was so cute! Right after they left, he realized how tired he was, couldn't even eat lunch and was starting to fall asleep in his highchair, so we gave up trying to feed him and put him to bed.

Here is my big boy wanting to play games with his cousins:

They were all in the basement which the boys, Andy & Sam, just loved and I'm pretty sure it was because Scott called it his "man cave." In the morning, they both separately asked if they could go down to the "manly cave." We got a good laugh out of that :)

Ok, so Blake didn't last long in the game...:)

But isn't he cute in his little pajamas??? :)
Sorry, no pictures of the littlest addition to the family, Jesse, whom I held quite a bit b/c he likes to sleep while being held. Shame on me for forgetting to get pictures!!

After Katie & Ryan left, my parent's showed up the next day. It was so nice to have them here and once again, shame on me for not getting pictures! What was I thinking?? Mom, you'll have to send me some of yours!

We went to the beach with Blake and tried to introduce him to lake water. He took to that much better than the dells, but preferred to walk around the park instead. So, my Mom who loves the water and wanted to play in the water with him, ended up following him around and around the bathrooms. Haha. Afterwards, we tried to get a train ride at the zoo, which was just next door, but it was closing when we walked in. Too bad, that would have been fun!

We also played a few games of Alhambra, which is a new favorite of ours. It appeared they all enjoyed the game--Mom won the first game and Scott the second. The next morning, we went to church, kept Blake in the service for the music part, which he loves, and then came home for lunch. Not a real long trip, but so fun!

It was nice to introduce my parent's to Blake in his normal environment b/c he is a little different here than at other places. She found out how wearing it can be chasing Blake around b/c he'll play until you're worn out. We'll see if this playing continues into adulthood like it has for his Daddy :)

Lastly, I am 25 weeks prego as I mentioned earlier, so thought I'd attempt a self portrait :) I put the camera on the fireplace mantle and had to bend my knees a little to get my head in the picture...note to self: remember to take a picture when Scott is home :)

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