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Monday, July 22, 2013

Baby names??

For some reason, I am really struggling with baby names this time around. I keep looking and nothing pops out at me as being something I love, although I must admit, it wasn't exactly like that with Blake Richard. Scott and I each separately compiled a list, went through it, and it still took us a while to decide on a name. I guess the difference this time is that I'm not really that excited about any of the names I've written down so far...oh well, it will come. :)

I remember my mother telling me that babies like to be in the same room as their Mommy. Well, I've found that is usually true with Blake. Sometimes I just want to lie on the couch alone for a bit, but if he sees me there, he jumps up on the couch to keep me company (or to jump on my head). :)

He doesn't always have to be by me while making dinner, but this particular night he did. It makes cooking a little difficult when you have a little body in the middle of the kitchen who is diligent on making it his play area.

Dishwasher open? Check
Tupperware pulled out? Check
Wagon nearby? Check
Mommy's shoes tried on and deposited in kitchen? Check
Sitting in the middle of the floor near all his "toys"? Check

This is a little better view of my obstacle course while making dinner :)

So, my Mom decided to be a saint and help Blake learn to walk by giving me my old high chair, which he loved to push around while he was still just a crawler. Little did she know that this would turn into another something to climb on....

Making his way up (with these blocks around his neck, which I find to be truly adorable). I love his little foot...:)
And...he's up and about to check out the contents of my mixer :)

Pre-climb--had to include b/c I thought it was an adorable picture
 Before all this happened, Blake had been playing near the fireplace and I wanted a picture of the blocks around his neck. So, I snapped a couple pictures and then looked a little closer at an image in one of the pictures, then down at the actual image and discovered that yes, it is money in the picture! There is $5 in his highchair. Well, I started to discover credit cards, my license, medical cards, etc lying around the house. Blake had gotten into my purse but the odd thing about it all was that I thought I had $10 (2 five dollar bills) in my purse, but when I went to get my purse, there was still $10....where did Blake get this additional $5??? I guess we'll never know :)


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