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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Eating out

So, after yesterday's post and #7, I decided that yes, I still wanted to go out to eat. So, I called Scott and he met me at Flat Top Grill, which was a restaurant I drove by yesterday and wanted to check out. After checking them out online, I found it was a make-yourself stir-fry, kind of set up like Khan's Mongolian Grill and it looked very appealing to me. I made myself a Pad Thai dish and Scott made a red curry dish (his usual if it is on the menu). We both loved it, so if you're wanting to come to Madison and visit us, we'll have to go here :)

So, how did Blake do?? Good question. He thoroughly entertained everyone in the waiting lobby, running back and forth to us and the door...constantly. He greeted everyone that came in and got a smile almost every time--one guy bent down outside the glass door and opened his mouth big and acted surprised that there was a little boy down there. Blake stared :)  Everytime the door opened, Blake ran to it and stood just at the edge as the door closed. He never actually went out, which I was impressed at, since earlier at the library he walked right out. Small rabbit trail, but yesterday he also grabbed a DVD I was going to check out and ran for the door, setting off the alarm since I hadn't checked it out yet. I then followed with with another DVD in my hand, also setting off the alarm. We both set it off again coming back in and the librarian looked slightly concerned especially when I joked that Blake was trying to steal the DVD. She asked if she could help us and I said we weren't quite done. After that comment, it seemed to dawn on her that I just had a run-away baby, I wasn't actually trying to steal a DVD b/c her face all of a sudden totally relaxed and she said "Ok" with a smile. :) Ok, back to the restaurant story:

Well, after a day of the library visit, shopping at Target, and then going out to eat, which turned out to be a little later than I would have preferred (a.k.a. Blake's bedtime), it turned out fair. We had to wait a bit for our food, so we fed him some snacks at that time, which wasn't the best idea, b/c right when the food came, he lost it. Wouldn't eat, wouldn't sit still, wouldn't sit on our laps, just whined and squirmed, trying to get down. It was so frustrating and finally I asked Scott to take him, and he took him outside (without a coat or anything). Well, it worked wonders and Blake came back settled down and started eating some chicken and fried tortilla type bread. Scott called himself the baby whisperer for the rest of the night, which I gladly agreed to the title.


The Carmacks said...

Love this post because it's so relatable!!!! Going out to eat has become more and more challenging (especially for dinner/pre-bed time), but I'm still bound and determined every once in awhile. Now Adelyn can understand choices, so that helps a little bit (you can either sit in your high chair or sit on mama's lap, and those are your only options..) but usually either Michael or I are still taking her to walk/run around while we are waiting for our food.

I've had multiple family members say they stop going out to eat when the kid is 2...noooooooo! Hang in there, and if you ever find a magic solution, send it my way! Hope you're feeling well and everything is going good!

Miles of Smiles said...

Ha, that's funny you mentioned this b/c I was totally thinking about Addi when I wrote it! I remembered how great she was when you would go out to eat, but I guess they are getting into the restless, opinionated age now, and things change. Well, at least Addi will be older once the other child is her age, so I'm thinking eating out will still be feasible. I see others do it, so I'm sure you'll still be able to :)