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Monday, June 25, 2012


Scott, Blake and I made a quick trip to the Tennessee countryside to visit some of Scott's college roommates, Ben & Marcus. Marcus drove from Georgia and Ben lives in TN, which was a great half-way point to meet. They did this trip last year as well, only difference is that I was 9 months pregnant last year and Scott went solo. This was the first time I was able to meet Ben and his wife, Georgia, and their three kids. We had a very nice time and I enjoyed finally meeting their beautiful family. They are trying to live a sustainable life by starting to live off their land. They have 6 cleared and 6 uncleared acres of land on which they have a large garden, and hens for laying eggs, roosters, chickens for meat, turkeys, a couple other random birds, and future plans to buy a cow. Although I love living in the city, there is a part of me that would love to be able to do what they do.

I love being able to plant my own garden, watch it grow, and reap the harvest. There is something so fun about knowing exactly where your food is coming from and knowing it is healthy. I was buying some organics in the grocery store the other day and the cashier said, "You know I read that not all organics are actually organic. Some people lie about what they are doing to the food and how they are growing it." I guess I'll just have to trust that most of them are selling honestly b/c there is no way for me to tell.

Ben gave us some fresh farm eggs, which I was thrilled to get. Just natural eggs, nothing given to the chickens so their eggs are larger, nothing added to make them produce more eggs. Just eggs. Yum.

Blake had a bit of a hard time sleeping there--unfortunately, this is becoming the norm if he isn't in his crib, so he was a little more cranky than normal. I had suggested that Scott might bring Blake without me b/c I wasn't feeling good the week before we left, but I don't think that would've worked out well, plus I was feeling back to my normal self the day we left. When we arrived home, I put Blake to bed as normal and it was incredible the difference--just lay him down in bed, he looks at you, and you walk out. No crying, no needing extra cuddle time, no needing to be put down while in a deep was wonderful.
Here is a little clip of Scott and Marcus feeding Blake.

Scott & Marcus feeding Blake

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