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Saturday, June 30, 2012


Before church, we had the biggest blow-out we've ever had. Just decided to give Blake a bath--and then he peed all over everything. I was holding him on my hip, but his little shooter was aimed up, so it was spraying all over, haha. This rug shows some of the damage :)

Sooo pleased that he gets to take a bath!!!!

This wasn't the cutest picture, but his little shooter is showing in all the other ones :)

And here's some videos of our little mobile baby. Yesterday, I got a little taste of what's to come--fake grass pulled out of our fake tree, my cookbooks pulled off the shelf, and his blankets pulled off his changing table shelf. I must say, it was adorable watching him explore (at least the first day it happened) :) Well, Blake's official crawl on hands and knees date was Tuesday, June 26th. He still isn't fast, but he's doing it!!!




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