I have been going a bit stir crazy here the past couple months with having no job. I thrive on having deadlines and a bit of pressure, along with a nice schedule. Well, throw that all out the door, and I've had to learn how to manage without all of that. It hasn't been going the best, as you would be able to tell from the condition of my home. It has been a bit of a mess, but that's mainly b/c I have no event to tidy up for and too much time. When I have limited time, I feel like I have to utilize my time more efficiently, but with excess time, I will always have time to do it later :) . Not that I've been lazy, just doing other things. Playing/reading with Blake, going to the library, catching up with people on the phone, getting skype to work, traveling, cooking, shopping, etc.
So, in order to help with my lack of motivation, I put a profile up on care.com, which is the website where we found our nanny for Blake. I've had several people contact me (you can either wait for someone to contact you or actually apply to jobs that are posted). So, I now have a 2 day per week job caring for a girl 2 months older than Blake starting mid-January! I also had another interview yesterday for another 2 day per week job for an infant starting mid-February. Their mothers are both in the medical field, so they have 3, 12 hour shifts, with their family caring for the child the 3rd day (usually a weekend day). This works perfectly b/c I don't want something full time. Since this second interview was in my home, it turned into a cleaning frenzy day since I am interviewing both with my responses to their questions and the condition of the home that the child will be staying.
I must say, it was lovely waking up to a clean house, but I do cringe everytime Blake throws food on my newly washed floor...after everything was clean and tidy, we had a 1/2 hour before they arrived. So, Blake took advantage of that and decided to start throwing toys everywhere. When he throws toys around, they are covering one room and spilling into the next! So, we quickly put them back and started to read until they got here, b/c he can't be messing up my house while reading with me! :)
The interview went really well, although I may have botched it in the end. I found out we visited the church that they attend, and while they were leaving I was telling them about the time Blake visited the nursery at their church. We picked him up and they told us he was an "alpha male." They asked if he was the oldest and we told them he was an "only." Then we chuckled and left feeling like we had a super independent, smart child. Then we started thinking a little more and thought, wait, what does an "alpha male" child do??? Was he beating up the other children? Stealing their toys? Great, now I just told those people that my child was an alpha male and that their infant may or may not get beaten up at our house!
Either way, I wasn't actually looking for a second child to watch, so I'm fine with either outcome, but I think it would be fun to have a little baby here. The child I am set to watch is about Blake's age, so I would prefer that if I had to choose one or the other b/c I think he will really enjoy playing with her.
So I tried to upload a photo again, and noticed this picture below in our electronic files, so I decided to try uploading it. Apparently, it is small enough :) The interesting thing about this, is that Blake actually loves (prefers??) the food I make when I put a lot of spice in it. He loves chili, curry, creole rice, etc. Crazy, huh?