I just bought some new shoes for Blake and was thinking about comfort verses weight...maybe I should have thought about walking ability when purchasing his shoes. Oh well, I think they should be pretty warm at least. Check out this video of him trying out his new shoes :)
Blake's new shoes
So, Blake has decided that throwing temper tantrums is a good way to get what he wants. I'm a little unsure of how to handle it, but I'm starting to think that walking away from him is the best. When I try to comfort him when he gets upset, he just goes on and on. He does come to me for hugs, as you can see in this next video, but maybe we were just having a bad day. Well, maybe not, b/c he threw one this morning as well... He got in trouble b/c he wouldn't give me my glasses back. Then I tried to make him stop grabbing them from my face, and then he tried harder and faster to get them, all the while with a mad look on his face. Wow, I think Scott's sister Amber was correct in saying that Scott was going to get payback with his own children for all the things he did to her while growing up! Let's just say that Amber had a rough childhood :)
Blake "expressing" himself
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