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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How Picky are Your Owners!

I'm not one to sleep in real late, but I do have a hard time getting up most mornings. Blake has decided to help Scott and I in this area. He wakes up and I bring him into our room to feed him. When he is finished eating, he is ready to play. Scott and I typically just lay there, grab him and play a bit, and then try to just relax before having to get up. Blake sometimes goes on the floor and plays with his toys, but other times, he is crawling all around us. Pulling hair, sitting on faces, finding cell phones and biting them, pinching neck skin, pulling Scott's chest hair, sitting and then falling onto his back (whoops, Mom's head was in the way of Blake's head...BONK), screeching, etc. This morning, he was sitting on our heads a lot, and he got Scott really good right on the mouth that I just had to laugh, and say, "That was the best one yet!" Seconds later, Blake shifted and I saw a big butt coming down onto my face...
So thankful that we can have nice relaxing mornings with our son. 
This weekend, we put up our tree. Scott and I are polar opposites when it comes to our decorating styles. Scott likes garlands, multi-colored lights, and tons of ornaments (purchased or homemade), regardless of whether they are color coordinated. The more the better.
I like blue or white lights, with minimal, color coordinated ornaments. I don't prefer homemade, and I like tinsel.
Last year Scott decorated the tree and it was...ok. I asked if I could do it my way this year and he agreed. Picture of tree to follow in next post--I need to upload it and right now my baby needs me :)


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