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Sunday, December 13, 2020

2020 life

So my Mom reminded me of the fact that I even had this blog at one point and I suddenly felt really sorry that I hadn't continued to share all of the fun memories from my kid's youth. Sooo, I'm thinking about starting to post again. How fun to look back and realize how little my kids were! I love hearing their tiny voices on video and wish I had more good videos. 

Well, we're in 2020, a year I probably won't forget for a while. Good 'old coronavirus has changed our world for a while, and hopefully not permanently. My kids have done very well, but I also haven't scared them about the virus b/c from what I read, it is totally unnecessary. 

My kids are now 9,7,5 and 3! No longer can I rattle off 2,4,6,8 :) 

Blake and Sadie are actually in "in person" school, which I'm very thankful about. They do enjoy going to school, although they are long days. During Thanksgiving, they had 5 virtual days, with school only in the morning and Sadie said she was excited to see her teacher's face! She had seen it, but not for long periods. I didn't really even think about that! They were both glad to have shorter days and after the first day they came down zombies, so during their break the following days, I made them do jumping jacks, push ups, run around the house, up and down the stairs, wall sits, etc. They loved it and would run down at their break and ask what they were supposed to do. Everyone needs to get that blood flowing. Maybe I should have Scott do it as he's been working from home since about March. 

Tanner is in preschool and Savannah talks about how much she lover "her teachers." The only "teachers" she has are via a video post from Awana Cubbies and BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). She would have had those in person, but you know, 2020. I guess she also calls the nursery folks her teachers, but what she is really doing, is trying to be "big" like Blake, Sadie, and Tanner. Tanner is in preschool and loves it. During our conferences, I was told he always comes in with a big smile and a story. Whether it is true or not...well that's another story. 

Here's some first day of school pics b/c it seems appropriate, haha. 

Blake was just thrilled to be taking pictures...

Hate she has to wear a mask, but her teacher let's her wear a face shield!

Tanner wanted to take one of me holding his sign, so here ya go :) 

Thanks Mom for reminding me about this blog and even short updates are better than nothing, right!?

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