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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Our spring so far

I am so glad it is spring--we've been loving being outside and meeting neighbors and getting some sunshine. Although it is great, my kids seems to think they can go outside whenever they want, for however long they want, and regardless of whether we call them back. We are working on that. Unfortunately, Blake can unlock the door, and Sadie can get the door open when it is unlocked. Fortunately, they tend to leave the door open when they leave, so I usually know when they've escaped.

We've also played indoors on colder days, and now have to find more to do during May since Mom's Morning Out is done for the summer and storytime at the library doesn't happen during the month of May.

Busy with play-doh. He always grabs a bunch of kitchen utensils to assist in his play time

Can't get this girl to stay off the table--this picture made me smile
Sadie does pretty good with play-doh, as you can tell from the video: 

Blakey helping his Daddy--unfortunately, the little mower wasn't moving well through the grass, so he eventually gave up. Not a good design!!

Sadie loves hats!! 

Blake trying on Daddy's hockey equipment :) 

Having a lunch date with Teddy Bear. The kids love this table and chairs our neighbor gave us and drag it into the house sometimes

Sadie having her own little snack here (Blake was still napping) :) 

She also loves to put on Blake's helmet (and tear out the padding from the inside)

Morning snack with a shopping cart

Break for drink

Break for muffin

And we're off! 

Blake decided to take a nap in our room--which I didn't realize right away after sending him back to his bed after he tried to stay up. Had to take a picture b/c it was so cute :) 
Well, I just tried my hand at another garage sale (my second ever, but first on my own), and we made cookies for Blake and Sadie to sell. I'm serious when I say "we." This is the aftermath...

Things to note from the pictures above and below:
1). Bowl in the upper left hand side of the picture has flour and a spatula that Sadie was playing with.
2). (Semi-)Bare spot is where Sadie was sitting
3). Blue bowl has a bunch of flour where I was trying to sift out the tiny pieces of Swiss cheese that Blake had mixed into the bag of flour. I had already sifted the sugar...
4). Oatmeal that Blake tried to put flour into that I stopped before it happened. The oatmeal did end up in the flour though, but I think I got most of that out before the Swiss cheese was added.
5). Package of Swiss cheese that Blake shredded to add and mix into the flour and sugar.
6). Mess on the floor and on me is not visible in this picture :)
7). Oatmeal raisin cookies still a success! :)
(I even dared make chocolate chip after this)

Sadie after the fact

Blake after the fact :) 
 Turns out Blake is an awesome salesman and at times even placed bags of cookies into people's hands, so they were almost forced to buy from him. He was pretty persistent, so a couple times I told people there was no pressure :)

Turns out both my kids love our neighbors...and their electronic four-wheeler!

Sadie getting a ride. She loves this girl and always gets excited to see her.

This weekend Blake ventured out on his own and we haven't been able to get him off since....nor have the other kids. We are working on him sharing this toy that isn't his!!

He's a little pro!

Happy as can be! 

Blake and Daddy chillin' watching a kid's truck video on the kindle. 

A typical day

Gotta love kids!!!

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