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Monday, May 19, 2014

Wasted resources

Ok, so I sat down to write a quick blog with like 2 or 3 pictures and then realized how many there were that I wanted to share, so this will just end up being more than one post. :)

I am now typing upstairs b/c we moved our computer and computer desk upstairs so Scott can shut the door and work on his thesis when he needs to. The countdown begins!!

Lately, Blake has been wasting resources left and right: lotion, as you saw in an earlier post, Parmesan cheese, shampoo, toilet paper (from "blowing" his nose, over and over and over again), water (while "washing" his hands"), etc. You get the gist.

Want some pasta to go with that cheese??

Mmmm, cheese...and no, I didn't let him eat the whole bowl of cheese

Shampoo is another wasted resource...I need to stop buying expensive shampoo!!

Blake realizing he has too much and trying to clean it off with toilet paper. 

And more toilet paper...:)

He kept this expression on his face as he was trying to clean up, which was hilarious.  I couldn't stop laughing at him (or taking pictures) :) 

What is this slimy stuff?? 

So, in just over a month, Blake and his cousin Sam are going to be in my brother's wedding, so we needed to get them shoes. I stopped by Kohls to get some shoes and passed by their Godiva display which they always have by the checkout. Why do they do this?! Ok, I obviously know why, but every time I resist grabbing some of the expensive chocolate b/c lets face it, I'm cheap :) Well, today was no exception and I really wanted a piece. They had Kohls cash available today (buy $50 get $10 Kohls cash), so I thought, "if I don't quite make it to $50, then I'll just make up the difference with some chocolate!" Turned out, the signs were old and Kohl's cash was not available. Oh well, didn't need it anyway :(

While checking out, Blake is still in the cart and I see him hunched down doing something. I look and what is he doing??? Unwrapping a Godiva chocolate bar!!! "Blake, NO!" came out of my mouth while secretly I was thinking "YES!! Now I HAVE to buy it!" :) I didn't feel guilty about spending the money at all b/c I was just being a responsible Mother by buying the item my child "destroyed."

Thanks Blake, for the unexpected treat (and no, he didn't get any, hahahaha)! This is one resource I didn't mind him "wasting." :)

Dark Chocolate Mint Chocolate Chip--nice selection, Blake!

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