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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blake & Sadie's visitors

Blake and Sadie had some wonderful visitors for their birthday this year!

Priscilla, why did I not get more pictures of you with Blake & Sadie??? You were a life saver, thanks for being here for us!!!!

Blake & Sadie with Grandpa & Grandma Spaeth. Blake is holding his Harold the Helicopter that he got when him and Grandma went to Toys R Us together :)
 Sometimes it is just as hard to get the adults to cooperate in a picture than it is for the kids. Here Mom & Dad are trying to get Blake to smile...well, at least they all have the same facial expression!!

Sadie is the only one not amused :)

1 fail for Dad, haha

1 fail for Blake

Ok, here's a good one with the ball of energy removed :)

Maybe I should have gotten a more girly outfit for Sadie...but this is a cute picture

Mom & Sadie Girl

Scott built us a fire!

I tried the bow on Sadie that Auntie Priscilla bought for far, she hasn't been thrilled every time I've put it on her...

This is her actual reaction :)

Gearing up for another cry...

Ok, so I'm not a photographer!!
 Scott put Blake to bed the other night and he tends to give in to Blake's request for each of his stuffed animals. Scott thought it was really funny, so after Blake was sleeping, he went in for a photo. It was so dark in there, so the flash started to wake Blake up, but Scott kept snapping away and then came and showed me the pics. He just kept laughing at the progression of Blake's face, so I thought I'd share.

First flash

Second flash

3rd flash and waking up--what the heck are you doing Dad?!?! (Scott couldn't stop laughing at this photo)

4th flash--seriously Dad, leave me alone, I'm tired!
 Scott's Dad & sister (Amber) also came to see our new baby and wish Blakey a happy birthday. Once again, we had a little trouble with the adults and getting a great picture. They like to close their eyes, so I started taking the picture on 1 instead of 3 to see if that would help, haha!

This is probably the best photo we got--Blake is looking at the camera!
This photo cracks me up! Bob and Amber have the same expression on their face!!

This would have been a great picture if the adults were cooperating! I love Blake's face here :)

Actually, his is probably the best picture!!

Auntie Amber loves the way babies smell! :) I love this picture

Sadie & "Bubba"

Our baby girl

Bob "cooked" dinner for us before he left--thanks Bob!!

We just left Sadie in her car seat and she slept the whole time. Blake on the other hand....well, no comment :)

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