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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Scott, Blake, and I had a nice relaxing weekend together with some great weather. I love when the nights get really cool and comfortable. Yesterday, Blake attended his first birthday party, which was for Caitlin, the girl I watch. He had a blast and although I forgot to bring my camera, I guess I could give a recount :)

Caitlin wasn't in the best of moods--maybe b/c she spent the night at her grandma's the night before and got up earlier than usual, and then came home to an apartment full of people, which might have thrown her off for the day--a little too much stimulation. Either way, she looked cute in her tulle dress! Anyways, she got a lot of gifts, which Blake was more than willing to help her with. He confiscated her stuffed kitty once she opened it as well as her new tricycle. He wasn't really sharing much with the other kids either, b/c once they got a turn, he jumped on the back and sat on the little compartment and held onto their seat. It was pretty cute--I wish I had gotten a picture. Fortunately, Caitlin wasn't interested at the moment, so it made it fine for Blake to be hogging it. :)

He also had a lunch full of saltine type crackers, graham crackers, and fruit. Enjoy it Blake, that won't be a usual for you :) Oh, and a bunch of grape juice from those straw juices (like capri sun containers). He loved it and just downed it and most of another. I'm not sure if it was from the novelty of the straw or if he loved the juice--I think it was a combination. Either way, I had changed his diaper right before we went and checked it a couple times for poop, but he was clean, so I didn't change him. Well, right before we left, he was wet on the bottom and I thought initially he had sat in something. No, turns out all the juice made him pee so much his disposable diaper was completely overflowing. Whoops, I felt pretty bad about that. How uncomfortable to be sitting in a completely water logged diaper, which is getting you wet!! He didn't seem to mind and still had big smiles while riding on the back of the trike.

He completely zonked on our ride home. I brought him into the house and Scott just loves loves loves when I am holding a sleeping Blake, so he had to run and get a picture before I laid him in bed.

I am 32 weeks pregnant here and holding my 22 month old "baby." He is without pants b/c they were wet from his diaper. Scott says I rest Blake on top of my tummy when I hold him--well, it appears this way, but it is really my arms supporting him, not my tummy :)
 Unfortunately, Blake woke up pretty mad and was temperamental for the rest of the evening. I decided he needed more sleep so was going to put him to bed early. Of course, right at the time when I had decided he should go down for bed (at 6:30 pm), he was an angel. So, he went to bed around 7 :) Scott and I then decided to share a pop (neither of us really drinks a whole pop at one time), have some popcorn and watch a movie. We got Zookeeper. Decent movie, but kind of boring and extremely predictable. Not that I always mind predictable movies, but this was just not that exciting for me, although I've been disappointed with a lot of movies that I've seen recently...

This is just a cute picture of Blake that I thought I'd add. The smile doesn't really look like him, but he wanted to hold the camera out and take a picture of us. He is starting to think that is what you do when you take pictures--you hold it out in front of you b/c that is what we do together :)
One of the nice things about the weekend was that we started to organize and clean up a little. One of the not so nice things was that we discovered we have mice (again). Last year around this time, we had the same problem. We've caught three so far. I discovered this b/c there were a few turds on my countertop. I can hardly stand to be in the kitchen when I know mice have been around--yuck yuck yuck! Fortunately, two of the ones caught were outside, right outside our door where we've actually seen them twice. After the first catch, I have not found turds on my counter, so I am thankful for that!

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