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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A post about us and not Blake :) Our 7 year anniversary!

Scott and I took a short weekend trip for our 7 year anniversary. We try to take some kind of trip every year for our anniversary and want to continue to keep that as a tradition. So far, there has been only one "fail" year where we went nowhere.
We originally decided to go to Chicago, although Door County, WI was also an option. I kind of wanted Chicago, Scott kind of wanted Door County. After researching things to do in Chicago, esp trying to find a really good show to go to, I got frustrated and sent an e-mail to Scott saying I'd rather go to Door County. Naturally, he agreed :)
Chicago had nothing I was really interested in seeing for Broadway shows, or even other big theatre shows. So, I thought, "Well, how about cirque du soleil?" which I've been wanting to see. Nope, not coming to Chicago in 2013. Seriously!? Also, all the things that are supposed to attract people seemed so cliche to me--art museums, dining, navy pier, sky scrapers, etc. and after researching it, I found myself really wanting to go to a quiet town and enjoy nature, so that's what we did!

Scott and I by Lake Michigan on a cold, windy day!

This is how I looked minutes afterwards. :)
 The waves were quite impressive though and we laughed thinking that we were actually planning to go canoeing today! Every time I got inside, I wanted to go canoeing, and then we'd step outside and I'd change my mind. After getting to this beach, it was decided, no canoeing, haha.

Earlier, I had posted the many faces of Blake. Well, here's the many faces of Scott when he's being silly and not letting me get a good picture of him.

 The tip of the peninsula in Door County had a little less to offer than we expected and was a little poorly marked, but we did end up finding our destination eventually and found our sought out hiking trails. Also, some of the advertised locations were shall I say this...small? Conveniently the hiking path we did find wasn't too long or arduous since I was 35 weeks pregnant and I cramp up with too much walking. This was perfect.

Look out point with the sucker Scott stole from me--if you are interested in hearing that story, click on the video link below :)
 Scott stole my sucker.
After our hiking, we went mini golfing. We had bought a "Door County Package" that the hotel offered, which included some gift certificates and snacks. We had a free game at this location, so we went.  At first glance, we were disappointed b/c there was a huge mini golf place a mile down that looked more appealing, but after starting here, we decided the other was too gaudy and impersonal. We actually really liked this place and some of the creative twists they put on the game.
Mini Golfing
Chalkboard they had after one hole. I wrote "Betty hearts Scott 9/30/2006 anniversary" on this one and "Go Vikings" on the other one (here in Green Bay Packer country). I am so bad, hahaha (evil laugh). :)

Our picture that the cute old man behind the counter took of us. We were both glad we came here b/c he was such a sweet old man and they had little rhymes to discuss each hole (on the red sign behind my right shoulder) which we really enjoyed as well.

Oh my goodness, look who won!! The pregnant lady!! (Note the two holes-in-one)

My excitement at my score!

Ok, shoot, so I didn't actually win. Here is the 18 hole total--Scott beat me by 7 points. I was having a rough game the first nine holes and then beat him by one the last nine holes (the two holes-in-one helped significantly), but he still came out ahead. :)

Earlier in the day, we saw a Swedish restaurant that Scott really wanted to try. We have never visited a specifically Swedish restaurant, so we decided to try it. Earlier, I had noticed that there was a building with grass on top, but didn't realize it was the Swedish restaurant we passed later in the day and had decided to go to. After pulling into the parking lot and getting out of the car, I yelled to Scott to get out here! There were goats on the roof!!! Our reaction is documented below, if you are interested :)
I just thought of this, but Scott originally wanted to park on the street, but there wasn't ample parking spots, so I noticed the lot and he quickly pulled in. If we had parked on the street, I don't think we would have seen the goats, so I'm glad we did!!

Yes, there are goats on the roof. :)
 Scott really wanted authentic Swedish food, but unfortunately, it was a fairly normal American menu. The one thing that people travel far for though, is their authentic Swedish meatballs, so that is what Scott got. He thought they were fantastic. :) Apparently, their bread/crackers/jams that they serve beforehand is very Swedish and some of the sauces and spices they use in their cooking are very Swedish, but not necessarily all the dishes.

Scott and his Swedish meal.

Me and my very American Rib Eye steak (it was delicious!)
 Ok, so there was one more location that we decided to try near the tip of the peninsula on our second day there, even though we weren't super impressed with what we saw on Saturday. Turns out it was quite the waste of time, although Scott found a beach he fell in love with, which made it worth the trip.

There was a picture of a lighthouse on the map that we decided to check out. We looked and looked in the area where the picture was on the map, but there wasn't a lighthouse to be seen. Well, we had passed the spot which they had talked "extensively" about in the brochure for the area lighthouse, although in the write-up they used a different name for it...b/c it wasn't actually a light house! We probably passed it b/c it wasn't marked on the road, it didn't look like a lighthouse, and wasn't right on the water...:)

Anyways, here it is behind Scott in the picture below, just sitting there off a county road. This was about all it was--thought there was supposedly a nature center as well...

Random short fence with wooden platform--we decided its purpose was to raise you slightly in case you couldn't see the water from the ground, even though you could just walk a little further to see the water, haha.

Me, right behind the "lighthouse" with the nature center down this long boardwalk. Oh wait, after walking all that way, we found it wasn't a nature center, but some offices that were closed. The nature center was down some hiking paths, which they wanted to charge $5 a piece to hike (honor system, I believe). No thanks. We were sick of wild goose chases, nature centers aren't that exciting and I wanted to get going for an orchard tour, so we just walked back. I must say, I did enjoy our walks in the crisp air though, it just made you feel good with all that fresh air.

Acting excited about this place.

A trail named with the same name as my Mother. Yes, this was one of the only things to take a picture of, haha

Ahhh, the orchard I wanted to visit. We weren't disappointed. It was very cute, we got a tour, and bought some cherry goodies. Door County is known for their cherries and we got the desire to buy some after continuing to hear about them. Didn't get a picture of the cherry trees though...Here is the store--I love little country stores like this!

Scott and I by the grape vines

Me by the vines, with apple trees in the distance. They had not quite started picking many apples yet, so they were laden with fruit.
 One other noteworthy thing we did was to see a show. I still had my heart set on seeing a show, so we found a local one with a play about the area's history in the cherry orchards and having to bring German POW's to help with the harvest when the men were at war. We both loved it and thought it was very well done. Much better than spending ~$120/person on a broadway show (ok, so maybe not, but we were happy) :)
Since Scott points out every single Mustang he sees, I never feel the need to snap a picture, but on the way home when he pointed out the Ferrari, I decided it was picture worthy.
And that's the "quick" summary of our trip! We had a very good time, despite the wild goose chases to find next to nothing, but hey, it makes for a good story, right?! :)

Buses and dump trucks and vans, oh my!

Most days, Blake and I take a stroller ride down to the busy intersection of Whitney Way and Mineral Point Blvd. This is one of the highlights of Blake's day because he gets to point out all the different trucks & cars that drive by. On weekdays, there are quite a few trucks, business vans, and buses, which I would never have noticed before. Today we saw buses, vans, motorcycles, a fire truck, gas trucks, electrical repair trucks, semi's, moving trucks, dump trucks, and loads of delivery trucks. Blake points out each one and is in awe, especially when they drive right by him--he is constantly pointing and calling out "van," "bus," "truck," "car," etc. I just wish there was a bench at this intersection for the Mom that has to stand there and watch the traffic :)

Blake is always disappointed when we turn onto our quiet residential street, b/c let's face it, there isn't much action here! Little did I know that I would appreciate living by a busy street!

Wow, what gorgeous sunny mornings and days we've been having this fall! I just love this time of year when you just throw on a sweater and pants and are extremely comfortable enjoying the outdoors and the sun without wishing you were in air conditioning.

Yes, I must say, autumn remains my favorite month and I guess the only bad things about it are how short it is and it's introduction to winter. I can't say that I totally dislike winter, but I do enjoy the summer/spring/fall. Fall also brings in so many tasty flavors! I love pumpkin and apple desserts, hot chocolate, and feeling the warmth of the stove/oven when it is a bit nippy inside. I think it is the coziness that I love w/o the harshness of winter...

Anyways, it is also the time of our anniversary, so we also get to take a little trip and enjoy the outdoors (post to follow). Here is Blake, post anniversary trip, riding the horse that Grandpa Miles brought him. His Grandpa Miles and Auntie Amber came and watched him here in Madison while Scott and I headed to Door County.

Blake does pretty well on this horse!! It won't be staying on the main floor long b/c of its size, so soon he'll only have access when we retreat to the basement for laundry. :)


I had to take a picture of this b/c Blake went outside and took one of my tomatoes, sat down on the chair, and decided to start eating it like an apple. Silly boy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Some fun videos

I am posting the following video b/c for some reason, Blake has never really said Mommy. Well, check out this enunciation!

Blake talking

Currently, Blake has decided to take the easy route and leave out the middle of our "names." I am "Mee" and Scott is "Dee." Kind of cute to us, and you can see in the end of this next video how he refers to us, although Scott's is an ever changing name. Sometimes it sounds like "Dad," sometimes "Dee" and sometimes "Daddy." I'm usually "Mee."
Blake talking, take 2

This next video is really us just showing off Blake's gymnastic skills :) Scott was in the basement working out (which is when he listens to his music) and Blake was joining him. Scott had to run and get the camcorder to catch these "moves."
Our little gymnast

Ok, that's all for now, but thought I'd share these (sorry if they're a little dark).

Sunday, September 8, 2013

$10 bargain--which is better? :) & corn salad recipe

I went to the farmer's market on Saturday and was thrilled with my purchase, which amounted to exactly $10.50--all the cash I had in my purse. I was also kicking myself for not making it a normal occurrence to go when it is so close!! I absolutely love fresh green beans but have pretty much missed out this summer just b/c I didn't go to the farmer's market and obviously the green beans in the store don't compare.

This was my purchase (minus 8 ears of corn, which were already consumed by the time I took this picture).

Zucchini, kale, beets, 4 cucumbers, green beans, and 8 ears of sweet corn. I had also already made us green beans for lunch and this is what I had remaining. Quite the bit of produce for $10.50!!
BTW, if you are wondering about a colorful, delicious, but unfortunately a little time consuming, way to eat fresh sweet corn, then try this salad (see end of post for recipe). I made it for a bbq that we went to and it was a big hit. The reason it is time consuming is mostly b/c you have to shuck the corn, prepare it, cut the corn off the cob and then start making the salad.

Ironically, the same day I went to the store in the evening for a totally different type of purchase and realized that I also spent around $10. I felt I got another great $10 deal, but then realized how ridiculous it was excited about these two deals in one day when they were so vastly different from each other!

Let me explain. (haha). I really wanted chocolate ice cream, Scott wanted a blizzard. I like Breyers, but didn't think it was on sale and I really only buy it when it is. So, I went to the store expecting to dish out a lot more and then found there was a great deal on Breyers!! Also, I could buy one Butterfinger candy bar for Scott's blizzard for $1 or a bag of mini's for $2 (with another coupon). The chocolate chips were not consumed last night, but alas, another coupon, so I grabbed them. Gotta have those on hand, right!?!

Here's the corn recipe referenced above (I actually only used about 7 ears of corn b/c Blake sat down next to me and ate almost a whole cob of raw corn). I didn't have the heart to take it away from him, but I did want it for my recipe!!

Fresh Corn Salad with Black Beans and Tomatoes

6 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp lime juice
1 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1 jalapeno, stemmed, seeded and minced
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 tea cumin
1/2 tea salt
1/4 tea pepper

8 ears fresh corn (do not substitute frozen or canned)
1 pint grape or cherry tomatoes, halved
1 can (15.5 oz) black beans, rinsed
6 scallions, sliced thin (I just used thinly sliced onion ~ 1/4 cup)
2 Tbsp minced fresh cilantro
Salt & Pepper

1). For the dressing, shake or wisk ingredients til well combined.

2). Cook the corn in boiling water until tender, 5-7 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water. Cut kernels from each cob (then turn knife around and scrap cob with dull side to remove all the remaining juice and sweet pulp). Add the tomatoes, beans, scallions, cilantro, and dressing and toss. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.

This salad can be prepared, covered, and refrigerated a day in advance. Before serving, bring to room temp and freshen with a squeeze of lime juice.

(I added a little extra lime juice and cilantro, b/c I love it). :)

Sunday Family Fun

What a great Sunday we've had! Started with church, Blake's nap, some bad Vikings football (which surely doesn't ruin MY day!), the zoo, and Mexican food.

After the Vikings game, we wanted to go to the zoo and have Blake experience the train and the playground with his Daddy since him and I always go while Scott is at work/school. We got there and started with the train ride, where Blake waits patiently in line and then gave his token to the attendant. So cute!

On the way to the train and kiddie area

Waiting in line: the train was approaching, so Scott boosted him up for a better look. He loves the train!

Starting their train ride. Blake doesn't usually smile a whole lot during these b/c he is so engrossed with the train all he can do is stare.

Ok, I guess he usually looks a little more excited...haha. We jumped right into the train ride, so maybe we should have let him run around and get excited about it first :)

Getting a shoulder ride

Checking out the beach, which is right next to the zoo. Scott brought Blake to the water to wade and he turns around immediately and comes and sits by me. One day Blake, one day. We are going to just keep trying with you and water!!

Decided I needed a 33 week picture, since my prego pictures have been few and far between. Scott taking pictures. You can't see that I'm holding up three fingers on my right hand and Blake looks like he is right below my belly staring up at it! haha

I made Scott try again after checking out the photo (he [reluctantly] agreed). :)

I kept having small (Braxton hicks) contractions during our walk and didn't feel like going home to cook dinner, so we went out for Mexican food.

Thankfully, Blake found something to amuse himself while we waited. We never know how it is going to turn out :) After giving some sugar to the guy behind us, talking to him on several occasions and finally throwing a fork at him, he had to move to my side of the booth where there was no one behind me. :)  

He also seemed to love the music and kept breaking out in dance.

Family picture :)
After we ate, Blake was getting restless, so I settled the bill while Scott took Blake outside. This was a smaller restaurant in a strip mall (but turned out to be delicious)! When I exited, I noticed Scott signaling me with the car break lights...oh wait, no he wasn't. Those are hazard lights and whenever the hazard lights are on, I know Blake is "driving" in the front seat. He pushes pretty much every button...his favorite place to play is behind the wheel. Makes me smile every time :)

Once we got Blake strapped in, the car seemed dead and wouldn't start. Our first thought was, "what could Blake have possibly done??" :) Scott quickly checked the battery connection, but it didn't seem to be that initially. Thankfully, we were only blocks from home, so we walked home and later Scott rode back on his bike to check it out. Turns out it was only some corrosion on the battery, which interrupted the connection. Yay, easy fix!! Thankful I have a husband who can figure that out and super thankful Scott was with me when it happened!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Budgets, Trips, Zoo Fun

Scott and I went through out "budget" the other day and I put budget in quotation marks b/c although we have set up a budget, it is more of a guideline that we'd like to follow rather than a budget we must follow. So, we went through the past 7 months of expenses (yes, 7 months which just goes to show how seriously we take this) and took a monthly average of our spending to compare to our budget.

Big surprise, but it appears I spend way more on groceries than I was allotted. My credit card bills were a tad bit high (on the average) but that was because of my VitaMix purchase. Without that, I would have been under budget (yay!?).

So, we sat down to have a discussion about my grocery spending and finally decided that I just need to make sure not to waste stuff. So, don't buy more produce than I'll be able to use, don't forget about leftovers in the fridge and then have to throw them out, and try not to throw all Blake's leftovers away when he doesn't eat them. I love my husband--he is fully aware that there are items, such as more natural or organic items, that I spend more money on, but he didn't ask me to stop those purchases. He fully trusts my ability to purchase and cook healthy meals for him and Blake and never gets upset about the cost.

I sure am thankful to have a husband that is so understanding and loving. Scott and I really are quite a good fit and think alike in many respects. They say opposites attract, but I think it would be hard being married to someone who is opposite of me!

It is also nice/fun sharing some of the same interests--for instance, we just bought flights to CO in January for a ski/boarding trip!!! No, not in our budget, but that's what savings are for, right? :)

We are going with some great friends, the Whitsitt family, as well as others from Indiana. They reserved this huge house (sleeps 24) where we will be staying and the great part is that there are non-skiers that are going who are more than willing to look after my children while I ski! They are also willing to come pick me up for lunch so that I can pump/breastfeed our baby...can't really ask for more than that! I can't wait!!! We got great prices on flights from Madison, which was awesome. This is the second time I've gotten a great price on tickets to CO from Madison--I wouldn't have thought that would be the case with Madison being such a small airport...

We are going to visit David, Kristi, and Clara the weekend before we ski, so it should be a great trip. Whenever we take ski trips to CO, it is always just weeks after we see David & Kristi b/c of the holidays--it would be nice to spread it out a bit since we see them infrequently, but that's the way it goes :)

I absolutely love that we have an amazing free zoo with an amazing playground so close to our house. The zoo is just fantastic, and whenever I want to go to Trader Joe's, we stop at the zoo for some animal fun, train ride, carousel, and play ground (not necessarily all every time though). I love that we can spend as much or as little time as we like--it is small enough that you aren't walking through a large parking lot, entrance, etc. Just park a few spots away, walk through the gate and start looking at the lions! Well, this zoo trip it really hit me how much my baby is growing up. He has developed so much more confidence and coordination in his play, that I stopped following him up the stairs and guarding his every move (not that I did that--I am not the overly protective Mother, I am not!). :)

Eagerly climbing the stairs

Blake's confident gait over the suspended bridge. His first crossing of the day was careful baby steps (like his previous crossings), but by the end, he breezed by with head held high like a big boy (even when others were making it bounce).

Really contemplating going down this hole (which has alternating holes for kids to climb down all the way, but not to fall all the way should they trip). Really cool, but still too much for Blake. He needs a little more height to be able to conquer this one.

Going down the big slide, over and over and over

Yay Blake!!

Making his way back up without Mommy. He can also make it easily up those arched bars in the lower RH corner by himself.

Cruisin' the bridge

Checking out the otters