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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Carnival (post-parade)

After the parade, we decided to continue the festivities and check out the carnival. In retrospect, I wish we had not b/c frankly, I don't enjoy carnivals and we just ended up eating crap food and making Blake more and more tired. Now, it wasn't all that bad, but it would've been better to go home :) The best part was the playground, which was just off the carnival :)

There was a large slide that we thought we'd take Blake on--it was the ride with the gunny sacks and it has two humps as you go down. We watched a couple young kids go down (and a younger grandma who actually looked a little scared) and I decided Blake probably wouldn't like it. So, we checked the price and found it to be $6 to go down once (for both Scott and Blake). Once. And all that to scare the crap out of our child. We both decided to save our money and went to the playground, which was right next to all the kids rides. Turned out this was way better anyways and free :)

Blake nervously excited (it always takes him a bit to warm up to new things)

Not thrilled yet--good thing we didn't do the big slide!!!!

Hm, I'm starting to see why the concerned look on Blake's face...;)

Now he's loving it!!!

Blake's favorite way to go up a slide

Being cautious on the bridge

Haha, this just makes me laugh

Of course, Blake's way to get into his stroller is to climb up. This child climbs on everything!!

My two favorite men watching a baseball game. They were both interested in the game. Love it!!