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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Top ten Results to "What's Wrong with this Picture" quiz

Just realized Blake and I will be in CO tomorrow through the weekend, so I need to post the results of "What's Wrong with this Picture" from yesterday. I got an overwhelming number of responses to my post, so I might as well post now...oh wait, there were no responses. Please note this picture was in no way posed or set-up for this list. Ok, the top ten you've all been waiting for!!!

TOP TEN What's Wrong with This Picture:

10). Stuffed falcon in dishwasher

9). Cabinet open in background

8). Child confused as to Mother's distress

7). Multiple sharp objects near toddler

6). Multiple breakable objects near toddler

5). Seemingly unattended child clutching knife

4). Child with an innocent look while clutching knife

3). The color of the cabinets is ugly

2). Breakable objects within toddler reach hoovering over a hard tile floor, which would be sure to break any dropped object.

And the number one top reason as to what is wrong with this picture.....

1). Child with an "I didn't do it!" look while wearing a "Small but Dangerous" shirt, clutching a downward pointing knife towards a falcon in a death sprawl.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dishwasher fun

Oh shoot, I think I just heard Blake. He's down for a nap and I always have such ambitious plans for these times when he is sleeping, but it looks like I'm not getting done nearly what I was hoping.

Ok, so that makes this post short! I'm finding I have some faithful readers--I actually have 6 views from Poland and 1 from Germany!! How crazy is that?! I'm assuming the German reader stumbled upon my blog by accident, but 6 from Poland is interesting. I'll have to check back and see if there are anymore in a few days. If so, welcome Polish reader to the inside life of a stay at home Mommy. :)

Here are a couple fun shots from yesterday.

Interesting spot for a falcon...

"What are you looking at?"
Ok, so here's a test as to if my readers will actually comment on my blog. Find out how many things are "wrong" in this picture--results to be posted in a couple days, so go ahead and comment!

Let's see how he enjoys cinnamon remains from that dirty measuring spoon...
Oh how Blake loves the dishwasher. I try to quickly add or remove dishes while he isn't around, although sometimes I let him explore with is. If it is empty, he usually pulls the bottom rack off completely and moves it back and forth constantly. An empty dishwasher is ok, but hey, one full of dirty dishes is not the ideal play area!
Well, I have a number of things to check off my list before Blake and I head to Colorado to see my baby brother graduate from college, so I guess I should start on that list. Updating my blog is not actually on the list...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow & Molasses cookies!

Although Blake has seen snow at a very young age, this is the first time he's been able to experience it. We had our first snow cover yesterday, and Scott being the big kid that he is, couldn't wait to get outside. So, we bundled up our little bundle of joy and headed to the great outdoors (ok, the backyard). Blake was interested at first, but soon found it to be a little much. BUT, we had time to build a snowman!

Looks like winter caught Mommy unprepared!! Used the good 'ole tried and true method of plastic bags over the shoes!

Cute little hand

Adorable face

All bundled up!

Ok, so the coat is a little big and the snowpants a little wide, but it will do!

Grrrr. I'm a bear...or, a more accurate statement--Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

This is fun...I think :)

My two loves.

I can stand, but I can't move.


Tell me again what I'm doing out here in the cold?

Wow, my Daddy's so cool!
Got a nice broad figure with his winter gear, haha.

Having fun!

Helping Daddy

That's better--I prefer to be held :)

Why do people gain weight in the winter? Is it because of the holidays? Not entirely. For some reason, we've created this desire for "cozy winter nights curled up with a blanket, a fire and some hot chocolate." Doesn't that sentence just make you want to do exactly that??? Well, obviously it needs some modification, so change that to a "cozy winter night with some hot, home popped popcorn, Christmas lights, a candle and a good movie." Yes, I did exactly that last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. But of course, it needs yet another modification because after the popcorn is gone, I'm still feeling like I'm missing some gingerbread for the season, so I decide to make some delectable molasses cookies and eat too many to mention on this blog. :) I'm blaming this on Trader Joe's because they had a sample the other day of some gingerbread cake, which I have been unable to get out of my head since sampling the gingerbread.

If you like cookies with a punch and a recipe for the only cookie recipe that I've ever made that calls for PEPPER, then make these cookies. I love them! They have the perfect crusty outside, with a soft and chewy inside.

This recipe is taken from America's Test Kitchen (page 507 for those who own it).

Molasses Spice Cookies

1\2 cup plus 1/3 cup sugar
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons ginger
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
12 Tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup light or dark molasses (I used blackstrap!)

Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat to 375 degrees. Set aside 1/2 cup sugar for coating.

Beat butter, brown sugar, and 1/3 cup sugar til light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolk and vanilla for 30 seconds and add molasses until just incorporated.

Slowly add dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated.

Roll 2 Tablespoons of dough into balls and roll in sugar. Bake one sheet at a time and rotate halfway through cooking and bake until edges are set and the tops are cracked but the centers are still soft and underdone. Cook 10-12 minutes.


For some reason I struggle to make chocolate chip cookies turn out perfectly, but these seem to work for me...oh, and molasses is good for you, so bonus!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


A few videos I thought were pretty funny. The first one gets a little long b/c Blake has quite a bit of patience when hiding from me.

Blake and the Christmas Tree
The promised Christmas tree shot
 I found a new setting on my camera that lets you focus on a subject and blurs the background, so here are a few of my shots. For some reason, it isn't working when I focus on a face, but I have to monkey around with it a bit more and then maybe I can get it to work.

13 month old hand

32 year old hand (with ring :))

Hat. It lets me focus on the hat, but not his face :) This is at the zoo in December!!

Another hand shot. You can tell I'm not a professional!! :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How Picky are Your Owners!

I'm not one to sleep in real late, but I do have a hard time getting up most mornings. Blake has decided to help Scott and I in this area. He wakes up and I bring him into our room to feed him. When he is finished eating, he is ready to play. Scott and I typically just lay there, grab him and play a bit, and then try to just relax before having to get up. Blake sometimes goes on the floor and plays with his toys, but other times, he is crawling all around us. Pulling hair, sitting on faces, finding cell phones and biting them, pinching neck skin, pulling Scott's chest hair, sitting and then falling onto his back (whoops, Mom's head was in the way of Blake's head...BONK), screeching, etc. This morning, he was sitting on our heads a lot, and he got Scott really good right on the mouth that I just had to laugh, and say, "That was the best one yet!" Seconds later, Blake shifted and I saw a big butt coming down onto my face...
So thankful that we can have nice relaxing mornings with our son. 
This weekend, we put up our tree. Scott and I are polar opposites when it comes to our decorating styles. Scott likes garlands, multi-colored lights, and tons of ornaments (purchased or homemade), regardless of whether they are color coordinated. The more the better.
I like blue or white lights, with minimal, color coordinated ornaments. I don't prefer homemade, and I like tinsel.
Last year Scott decorated the tree and it was...ok. I asked if I could do it my way this year and he agreed. Picture of tree to follow in next post--I need to upload it and right now my baby needs me :)