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Friday, October 19, 2012

Madison--1.5 months

Well, we’ve been in Madison, WI for a month and a half now. It’s been a crazy time here as we’ve been traveling a lot. Our first week here, we went to northern Wisconsin to hang out with some college friends at a cabin. The week after that, Blake and I went to my cousin’s wedding in SW MN and spent some additional days at my parents. The week after that, Blake and I went to Rochester, MN and hung out with some friends, and I also went to a seminar to get some CPE credits to keep my CPA license active. The week after that, Blake and I went to MO to help Scott’s sister who has terrible morning sickness with her fourth child and immediately when we got back, Scott & I went out for the weekend for our anniversary. Our sister-in-law, Priscilla and Kelly came and babysat Blake! The week after that, it was our first full week at home. The week after that, a trip back to Indiana to see friends. And that brings us to today. As you can see, we haven’t spent a lot of time here yet!!

As of right now, Indiana seems more like home than anywhere else. Driving the streets was so familiar, hardly being able to get to the nursery at church because we were stopped by so many people wanting to chat, we hung out with dear friends, and just had a lovely time.

Conveniently, Scott had enough credits for a rental car for a day, so we rented a brand new loaded car, drove in style down to Indianapolis, picked up our old car, and returned back home. Well, we felt rich for a day anyways J

It is amazing the things a little mind like Blake’s remembers. We were at our friends house, which is decorated in disney and he just so happens to love that house (and it’s residents). When we arrived, he was beside himself excited and crawling around like crazy. Thankfully, he still went to sleep ok!! The next day he got a lot of attention and still remembered Debbie, who would always calm him down during our Bible study. She is the one person he will go to and forget that I am around. Well, things haven’t changed in that respect.

Blake is not yet walking, but he has taken two flying steps as he quickly tries to get into the arms of whomever he is trying to reach, ultimately falling into their arms as he finally reaches his destination.  I don’t think I’m ready for him to walk yet….I love the crawling stage!

He also remembered the mural on the wall of the nursery at church. He has always been absolutely mesmerized by this mural and if we are near the room, he will lean as far back in my arms as possible trying to get a glimpse of this mural. Well, I went in that nursery on Sunday to try and nurse him and give him a cat nap before lunch since he hadn’t had a nap yet. Well, that was futile b/c that mural was there distracting him. I even turned off the lights, but you could still see the outline, and that was enough to distract him. I’ve taken two pictures and plan to enlarge them to see if it has the same effect on him. See below:

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