Blake has been getting a little harder to feed lately. He doesn't want to eat his vegetables, and if he doesn't want something, he spits it out, or throws it on the floor. It makes for a fight at mealtime b/c I'm not going to just give in and let him live off of bananas, raspberries, oatmeal and cheese! So, I'm trying to gain control over his eating now and make sure he knows that Mommy tells you what to eat, not you!
After lunch today, we had a tantrum and he was so mad at me that when I tried to come and give him a hug, he cried so hard and tried to get away. This is the FIRST time that he's been like this to me. Well, I made an impression apparently. He must have gotten hungry later or forgotten our fiasco, b/c before his nap, I tried again with the veggies. I didn't want his nap cut short b/c he was hungry (those naps are precious)! Well, he ate his squash and green beans like he'd forgotten he didn't "like" them. I know he likes them, b/c he's always gobbled them up in the past, so he was just wanting his favorites...we'll see how the next lunch/dinner goes. At nap time, I think he was distracted and I was holding him while he ate, so the change might have helped...we'll see! :)
I'm also going to limit the number of times he gets fruit at the end of the meal. I think he's been holding out for the fruit and thus won't eat the main meal...
Clapping for himself :) |
I believe he may be dropping food on the floor in this one. |
What, me a picky eater? How could I be with this darling face?!? |
Oh, also, did I mention that I believe we have a lefty on our hands?? He always favors his left hand when turning pages of a book and for eating. He "feeds" himself with his spoon with his left hand and almost always picks up the food with his left hand, while the right hand dangles by, unused. Interesting...didn't think I'd have a blonde hair, blue eyed boy, and also didn't think he'd be a lefty!! Not sure when the dominate hand starts showing in a child, but we're assuming now?