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Saturday, February 25, 2012

$4.99? Yes, please.

On Monday, Blake went in to get the second round of his 2-month shots. We've decided to stretch it out slightly as I feel they give too many shots at once while our children are so little. He calmed down shortly after his shots, wasn't interested in food, and then fell asleep. Perfect, I needed to go to Macy's nursing section, so this was the ideal time. I stopped in and after getting my essentials, descended the escalator and remembered that I needed socks. I've needed socks for a while, but somehow never seem to remember to buy them. It's been years--granted I don't wear white socks often, so they last a long time, but nevertheless, it was time. So, after picking up my socks, I waited briefly in the checkout lane.

While in the checkout lane, I noticed a $9.99 rack of sweaters. What the heck, I decided to check them out even though I usually can't find anything I like on greatly discounted racks. Well, it held true with the $9.99 rack this time as well. While looking, I noticed another rack that was $4.99...and then I saw another and another. Well, that's just too cheap not to at least look. Meanwhile, Blake was still sleeping soundly. To my surprise, I found a few possibilities, but still wasn't that excited b/c they probably wouldn't look good once I tried them on. No, no, they looked great. Now I started getting excited and scoured the $4.99 racks and came up with 9 sweater that I liked! Score! I bought them all.

How lucky was I because I was just thinking I was getting sick of my sweaters and didn't have much selection. Plus, every time I wore one, Blake spit up on it and it sits in the laundry for a while since I hand wash my sweaters, thus I also put it off. I had totally forgotten that it was President's Day since I don't usually shop the holiday sales. I'll have to remember this for next year!

My loot:

I asked Scott if I bought too many and he then showed me our closet and pointed to my side and his side. My side, his side. He did this a couple times to make his point. Point taken, but I do plan on getting rid of some of my ugly sweaters, so it won't make that much of a difference. Plus, who can compete against a few hooded sweatshirts anyways?!

I did feel slightly guilty that I was enjoying the fact that Blake was konked out due to his shots, but I did enjoy my deals :)

Ok, so I don't really believe in Mommy brain or pregnancy brain, but it does seem a good excuse for why I can't find the chocolate I started eating this morning. Scott bought me truffles for Valentine's Day (so I believe I do have an excuse for eating them in the morning) :) I took a bite and set the remainder somewhere and cannot find it, although it's been a while now and I'm starting to think I probably ate the whole thing. The unfortunate thing about that is my memory has me eating only one bite of truffle, but my body has the calories of one whole truffle...

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