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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blake's first day away from Mommy

Yesterday I had a training for work, so Blake went to our neighbors' house. He was at the Young's for the morning and the Whitsitt's for the afternoon. He did great for both neighbors. The Young's 3 year old, Parker, said he missed Blake terribly when he left and at the Whitsitts, he played contentedly beneath their mobile for an hour! We are definitely blessed to have such wonderful neighbors, especially with family being so far away! Here are a couple pictures of his day with the Whitsitts.

Next week I go back to work for 3 days a week. Hopefully it stays that way and they won't expect me to work Saturdays, since it will be just the start of tax season when I go back. I definitely wasn't about to go back to work full time during tax season because I'd never see my baby.

Our nanny has a 5 month old, so when they get a little older, they'll be able to play together. She is a very conservative Christian, so I feel comfortable having her watch Blake and be in our home. It was just too hard for us to do the daycare thing and we feel comfortable with this situation. She doesn't watch TV, so I'm not worried about her sitting Blake in front of the TV either. :)

Blake and the Disney mobile
Tasha reading Blake his favorite book--a pop-up book from Ariel & Ryan Davis

Chris singing to Blake

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