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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Good times, bad times, part II

Ok, so as I was washing my long hair (which I can't remember the time it was this long), I was thinking to myself how stupid it was that I decided it should be now that I have such long hair considering I have a child who wraps it around her little fingers as often as she can. It also gets in the way when I am trying to change my kids, nurse Sadie, and do anything bending over. I also thought about how it got wrapped around Sadie's little toe and then I realized that I forgot to add that to my list of woes in my "Good Times, Bad Times" post. So, here goes...

I had just finished changing Sadie and realized she lost a sock and started to put it on when I noticed a hair wrapped around her pinkie toe. I tried to pull any little strands, breaking them in the process and then quickly realized that it was wrapped around REALLY REALLY tight. Instantly I started freaking out and wracked my brain trying to think of how I can get this off. "Think Betty, think" I yelled out loud. Blake was standing kind of frozen nearby. I then grabbed the smallest thing I could think of that could get underneath a minuscule piece of hair, wrapped tightly around a baby's toe--a steak knife. Wait, what??  Well, we had one that was really thin--thinner than any scissors I had...ok, didn't work and I cut her a little. Sorry Sadie. I then called the nurse hotline and the nurse that answered had no idea what I was dealing with.

Nurse: Could you put some liquid soap on it and slid it off?
Me: I could, no that didn't work. (I honestly didn't think it would, but I frantically tried a bar of soap, knowing it wasn't going to work)
Nurse: I've never heard of this happening. How did this happen?
Me: I don't know, that's not important at the moment!!
Nurse: Ok, you're right. How close is your nearest Urgent Care?

Yep, I took her into urgent care. I was running around like a mad lady, threw on my boots, one sock on, one sock off (only a bandage wrapped around my burnt foot), threw on Blake's clothes. I did take time to get Blake some socks. For once in his life, Blake was completely compliant. Good boy Blake, you know Mommy's freaking out!

By now, Sadie's toe was turning a darker color and getting more swollen. We got to urgent care, and it took a little while for the doctor to get there, but when she did, she used a very small scissors, instantly cutting Sadie, and then went and got a pair of microscopic glasses. Sadie was bound to get cut b/c her toe was so swollen it looked ready to pop. With the glasses on, she pulled some hair off the toe and we think the scissors did cut the hair, but her toe was so swollen around the hair it was impossible to see anything in the crease. I was skeptical that the hair was actually removed b/c it still looked bad, and Sadie had a little cut around the perimeter of her toe from the hair actually cutting her skin. Poor girl. Turns out the doc did get it all and in a couple days it looked back to normal, with a little peeling of the skin around the toe where she was cut. Scott didn't want to look at it the day it happened. He's got a bit of a weak stomach. :)

Well, all that to say, I was a little scared of hair and boiling tea water after that (the tea water from my burnt foot) and I realized how people can become OCD. The doctor told me the worst case she had of hair being tightly wrapped around a body part was when a baby boy come in with a hair wrapped around his...penis. Yeah, that was bad, she said. Now, whenever I see a hair in Blake's diaper, I freak out for a split second and quickly remove it. I seriously thought about cutting my hair boy-style after that incident!

One thing I was extremely thankful for was the fact that I noticed the hair so quickly. Sadie wasn't fussing, so it would have taken quite a while to notice it and who would think to check her foot when she did start fussing???  I am thankful I live close to the doctor as well--this accountant Mommy doesn't do will with medical emergencies! Ok, it wasn't a dire emergency, but it sure freaked me out.

And...a picture of Sadie since I don't like having blog posts without at least one picture :) 

1 comment:

The Carmacks said...

Oh man! My heart is racing just reading this post!! It's crazy awesome how your mama instincts kicked in and you were out the door to the doctor! I've heard of a kid loosing a finger once because of a hair wrapped around it (sorry...not helping, I know). Glad Sadie is ok (and you too!!).

So fun catching up on your blog!! Hope you guys are doing great! We miss you!