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Friday, June 20, 2014

Blake counts, Sadie crawls, and Waterloo

I think it about time I posted some more videos :)

This first one is of Blake. He loves to record video and then watch it, so that is what we were doing in this clip:

Conversations with Blake

This next one documents Sadie's first day of learning to crawl!!! It is a long video, and if you'd like to skip ahead to the crawling (shaky as it is), it is right around 2:08 and 2:50 :)

Sadie crawls!!!

This last one is close ups of Sadie and also shows how Blake likes to copy people.

Sadie being a baby and Blake being 2

Hope you enjoyed these. Sometimes it can be a little boring watching other people's home videos, so I won't be offended if you skip them :)

And here's a few pictures during our trip to Waterloo to scout out the area while Scott interviewed with John Deere

This is just a cute picture of them together :) 

Cute one of Sadie, so it's going in the blog!

Blake with his arm around his sister and also wearing his stethoscope (my earphones)

Blake playing doctor--I had no idea he was paying attention to the doctor how many months ago (at least 6 since he was last there...or maybe he is remembering from Sadie's...???)

Bath time!! Unfortunately, we totally forgot there would be a pool,so no swim trunks...

Cute boy in a towel :) 

Thought this was so cute when I noticed...Blake loves to play with soap if you couldn't tell :) 

Scott needed an updated Linked In picture, so we snapped a few when he was dressed up for his interview. It is really hard getting a good picture of him when he poses--it never looks natural, but this one turned out well
 And, here's a couple bonus photos, but not from our trip:

Sadie sucks on everything now

Although we do not have pets, this is how Blake likes to feed his teddy and puppy...:)  He grabs these tins from the cabinet and gets them oatmeal.
Happy rainy days--hope everyone reading is not flooded!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fun with Sadie

Ok, couple quick facts about Sadie, b/c I think they are cute.

Looking at Mommy while Daddy takes her picture
The above picture reminded me of something she does. Every time Scott leans in to kiss her, she looks at me. All. the. time. Especially when I am holding her and he kisses her. She has to glance at me as if to say, "What is this guy doing? Am I ok with this?? Is Mommy ok with this??" Cracks us up b/c she does it every time

Secondly, and this one we are a little worried about, is that this little lady loves to shop. I mean it, she loves it!! She is in the best mood whenever I take her shopping. Whether I am holding her and browsing or whether she is sitting in the cart and swinging her little legs.

We checked out Aldi for like the 3rd time every the other day, and they have a wider cart where Blake and Sadie can sit next to each other and she was giggling and smiling the whole time.

I brought her to the grocery store and held her the whole time and I got so many smile and kisses. :)

So fun, but bad news for the future and our pocketbooks, haha!!!

Ok, and can't forget about out little man!

Blake showing me his play dough...after that, he went around to the other side and I found out that lever was filled too :)

Great, thanks Blake

Blake and his play dough

Ok, Mater is filled with mixed colors--now I'll have to try to separate them :) 

Blake and Mommy chillin. Gotta love the cute little feet!

Quick job update

Scott's been busy lately searching and applying for jobs and we've been talking about it quite a bit. Where to live, what he's looking for in a job, pros and cons of locations and jobs, the fact that not all our criteria match up to the perfect job...

So, here's the update on what he currently has on the table: 

Offer with BRP in Sturdevant, WI (near Milwaukee)
Fri, June 13th - Interview with John Deere in Waterloo, IA
Mon, June 16th - Interview with Thermo King in Bloomington, MN
Discussions with former bosses/managers about positions in Fridley, MN, Columbus, IN, and Seymour, IN. 

So, as you can see, we are all across the board. 

BRP--Pro: Position he thinks he would enjoy the most; good offer; will move us; WI is nice and has lakes :) 
          Con: Location

John Deere--Pro: Decent location in relation to family; decent job description
                    Con: Not excited about the location in general; complete desk job, so not the most desireable

Thermo King--Pro: Great location; only a decent job description as he won't actually be working on engines
                       Con: Not exactly what he wants to do

Cummins/Fridley--Pro: Location and working on engines
                              Con: He left there for a reason last time, would be working for boss in Columbus, satellite isn't great

Cummins/Seymour--Pro: Best career move; exciting job; great boss
                                 Con: Location is so far from family; Seymour isn't exciting

Cummins/Columbus--Pro: Exciting job and company with lots of opportunities
                                   Con: Location is far from family, but better than Seymour :) 

So, as you can see, there is a lot to think about!! We love what MN has to offer in regards to waterskiing lakes, cabins, snowmobiling trails (ok, this is mostly Scott's loves, but hey, he's my man and I want him to be happy). We love that it is close to family. Unfortunately, they don't have a wonderful job for him doing what he loves and what his experience is in. Not wonderful opportunities, but there still are good opportunities, so we are working through them and hope to know relatively soon! Next week we have to give BRP an answer, so next week we should know whether we will be in Milwaukee!! :)

If anyone has any great ideas for us, let me know :) 

Here's a few pictures of my loves: 

Sadie Jane

Love her face here :) 

Look at those teeth!

Where are my kids???

There they are!!! Sadie made her way under here, and Blake joined her and shut the door :) 

Scott and Sadie...look closely...

...yep, she's sleeping. Hard to tell without looking close :) 

Me and my little man