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Thursday, April 10, 2014


I was taking a shower yesterday and if Sadie is awake, I stick her in the rocker sleep and play (her old bed) and drag it in the bathroom with me. Blake is usually in and out playing. After taking my shower, I see Blake in the bathroom and say, "Blake, you have lotion on your face!"

Yep, he got into the lotion.

Left side

Right side
 Blake then says, "Baby has lotion too!"


I turn to look at Sadie....

And started laughing so hard:

Baby has lotion too!! LOL

Oh, my poor girl, haha!! During all this, she didn't make a peep, so I had no idea this was going on!
 My neighbor heard that I was looking for a walker for Sadie, so she brought over her old one, which happens to have a steering wheel and make car noises. Guess who loves this walker?

My very boyish little boy :) 
 It has been GORGEOUS here the past few days, so we headed to the zoo yesterday. Blake and Sadie both loved it. I had Sadie in my baby bjorn (baby carrier) and Blake walked. They are making a new bear exhibit at the zoo, so there was another attraction--excavators!!!

There was a piece of machinery that looked like a bulldozer, but then later I saw it raise up it's loader, but I had already told Blake it was a bulldozer. I then commented that oh, it wasn't a bulldozer and the "maybe" 4-year old boy next to us says in a very matter of fact voice without skipping a beat, "That isn't a bulldozer, it's a front loader with Caterpillar tracts and the rest of them are excavators." Oh. Thank you.  Sorry Blake, bulldozer and diggers weren't the correct terms. :)

Sadie zonked out in her car seat on the way home. 
 Since it has been so gorgeous, Blake likes to try to escape out the front door. Oh, but don't worry, he puts on some shoes and occasionally a hat :)
He has taken my dansko shoes, my boots, and my sandles out all at different occasions. He doesn't get far, so i don't get too concerned :) 
 Blake isn't the least bit shy once he gets outside. We've been meeting new people since he says "hi" to everyone, points out everyone's dog, and joins every ball game that is going on. We met a new family yesterday and they were more than willing to let Blake step in and throw his football to them every once in a while, even though it interrupted their football throwing (yes, Blake just happened to be carrying a football when we showed up). I love how nice people are to my sports-loving son! Our immediate neighbor has kids come to play and the other day one of the little boys kept giving Blake the basketball to throw and followed him when it looked like Blake was going to go into the street. I'm going to miss this place. :(

Sadie continues to get up twice at night, so Scott's been getting up with Blake in the morning to let me get a little bit more sleep. I just found these gems on the camera from one of their mornings :)

Blake takes care of Teddy

Blake joins Teddy

And gives a big smile! :) 

Monday, April 7, 2014

A couple videos...

Well, I have a busy week and need to start this evening, so this is going to be short and sweet. Blake got a basketball from our neighbor that was perfect for his hoop, but this one isn't foam, so he was totally into basketball again today. He even tried to dribble and we didn't even show him that. Anyways, you'll have to watch this next video to find out Blake's biggest fan...

March Madness at the Miles'

I love love love love love the above video :)

More March Madness

Ok, that's all folks. I'm hosting a baby shower for a gal in our small group here tomorrow, and I've gotta start baking for that. Then, tomorrow it is cleaning day. I enjoy hosting parties and people to our home for the most part, except for the preparation. :) Although, I must admit, it is great motivation for cleaning and I sometimes lack that motivation in daily life. I'd much rather play with my kids, chat with my hubby, watch a movie, be outside...yeah, I can find a lot of good activities rather than cleaning, but I feel oh so much better when my house is clean! Thankfully, Scott took Sadie and let me take a nap while Blake was down for his nap and true to form, it was Blake who woke me up from that lovely nap. Blake is the one that wakes us up in the morning, Sadie does so in the middle of the night. Since Sadie gets up in the wee hours of the night to eat, she also likes to sleep in til 8:30 or so on most mornings. Oh, if Blake would do the same!!

Our disappointing news for the week is that the Badgers lost their game last night. We were hoping for them to make it to the championship! While we were watching their game one night it dawned on me that we were watching Scott's school play! I think of Bethel and the U of M being his school, not WI, but hey, it is his grad school and it made it more fun to watch them this year!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

And.....she's 5 months!!!!

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, our little lady is now 5 months old!!! Crazy how time flies--I officially switched out her 3 month clothing to 6 month clothing, so now it feels more real. :) Yes, she is only in the 25th percentile for height and 50th for weight, so she was able to wear them a little longer than some. 
We are getting dangerously close to having Sadie sit up on her own, and I'm ready for that! :) 

Yay, I'm 5 months!!

And I'm stinkin cute :) 

This is why Sadie can't sit up at all yet--she insists on pushing with her legs, which pushes her over and pushes her butt up. She does this all. the. time. which makes it hard to just hold her on your lap at times :) 
Oh, and since I like comparisons, here is one of Blake at 5 months and no, I don't think they look you??