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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our cutie patootie

Since Sadie doesn't do a whole lot to blog about, I'll just throw up some cute pictures of her :) 

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Whatch you lookin' at?

Haha, just kidding :)

Me and my girl. She looks so pretty in purple

Another picture, compliments of photographer Blake

Sadie and her cow print carseat :) 

Chillin' with Daddy

Smiling at Daddy--love this picture!

Trying out the Johnny jump up--she's thrilled with it, just as Blake was. Actually, that was a sarcastic remark and if you are reading this and thinking about buying one, don't. They don't seem very comfortable and don't actually bounce. I've seem another brand which works much better, although I'm not sure of the brand name...

She is smiling at me and not because of the Johnny jump up, in case you were wondering :) 

Blake reading by his sister

Another absolute favorite of mine
 Blake, Sadie, and I went across the street for a play date with a neighbor, and I just took Sadie in her blanket. We had to leave when it was time for Sadie to have a nap and when we got in the door, I just sat her on the couch quick. I'm trying to remember what I had to do with escapes me...maybe start warming up lunch. Anyways, it was real quick and then I ran back to go put her down for a nap but she had already fallen asleep on the couch, still bundled up. It was so cute that I had to snap a couple photos :)

Snuggled up on the couch

What a little peanut :) 

New bed!!

The day has come that Sadie now needs a bed instead of her Rocker Sleep and Play, which means someone else has to give up their crib. That's right, Blake is now in a big boy bed!! He is always thrilled whenever Scott does "guy" stuff, such as putting a new bed together, so he was kind of giddy the night we got his new bed put up. We decided to hold off a few days in giving his old bed to Sadie so there wouldn't be any crib attachment issues with Blake (thankfully, it either worked, or he wouldn't have had it in the first place, who knows, but at least it was an easy transition).

The big boy helping his Daddy

Quick intermission to go jump in the closet and hide :) 

Trying to get in the back corner so I can't see him. 

BOO!!! Gotcha (with my camera)! Annnnd as you can see, he loves the chase :) 

Realizing that hey, he didn't want to be "caught" on camera!

This game isn't any fun with the stupid camera, whine, whine, whine

Put it awaaaay

Ok, back to helping Dad
Blake took this picture of Scott :) 
One thing I like about the toddler bed is that Blake gets to keep his crib mattress b/c they are the same size. I think this helped with the transition b/c his bed felt the same to him. The mattress had a brief stay in the hallway, so Blake had to take full advantage of that.

Running start...

...prepare to launch...

...the dive...

And right back at it :) 

Hair flying, tongue out, and having a blast 
 Yes, we've had some slight hiccups in the transition, but they've been pretty minor. He fell out of the bed the first night and hasn't since! He does try occasionally to get up and play when being put down for nap or bed, but we just have to be strict with him and then he relents. Also, for some reason, he has been getting up around 5:15 a.m. to come and cuddle with us in our bed. It was cute the first time or two, but it is too darn early, plus he squirms, pushes on my leg with his (rough) textured footie pajamas, and won't let us go back to sleep! So, we've decided to put a stop to that, even though we love the cuddles. Since I am nearest the door, he comes to me first and Scott mentioned that he was a little jealous that I got so much cuddle time, so the next morning I directed Blake to him. Yeah, the jealousy didn't last long, haha! Scott decided it was too early and most importantly, Blake was way too squirmy. I think Blake's feelings were a little hurt this morning when we made him go back to his bed, but hey, he fell back asleep and we got to sleep in til 7:30!!! Well, kind of sleep in, Scott's alarm kept going off and he kept snoozing it. Finally I told him that I finally get to sleep in b/c both kids are sleeping and it is his stupid alarm that is keeping me awake! I can't win.

I have been surprised though at how functional I've been with limited sleep. I really thought I was the type of person that couldn't handle it. Last night was also the first time we've put Sadie in her own room b/c she makes too many noises at night and wakes us up, or keeps us up after she gets up to eat. We are still on two feedings a night, which I would like to make to one. She eats at 12 and 4 a.m. and if I could just push the 12 a.m. feeding out a couple hours, then her second one would be approximately the time I need to wake up anyways. We'll see :) The positive news though is that it worked great to put her in her own room and really opened our room back up without that crib!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


It is Scott's birthday today and I bought him a new office chair for his birthday. It is one that he's been wanting for a long time b/c he dislikes our current chair. This was a pricey one, but very comfortable. Since he needs to be writing a thesis soon and will be spending hours in front of the computer, what better time to get this for him? He loved it, although he's a little worried Blake might harm it...not sure why he thinks that. ;)
Looks like Blake has already claimed it...

Sadie has some big news today as well! She has decided to make her debut in rolling over this morning on Scott's birthday (actually, she rolled over about a month ago five times in a row, but hasn't done it since, so it must have been a fluke). Catch her performance on the following video:

Sadie rolls over!!

And since we are on the topic of videos, here is Blake singing the clean up song for us. He is unaware that I am filming, as you will see in the end and his reaction when he finds out. He only sings the last part of the song, which is "Clean up, Clean up, everybody do your share." I love how he says "everybody."

Blake sings

And Sadie's last bit of news is that she is now 4 months old!!!@
Love this picture of her :) 

And...the only time Blake wants his picture taken is when I am trying to take Sadie's monthly photos, so here he is as well :) 

Ok, cute smile

Not a bad smile when you tell a 2 year old to smile for you

And another beautiful smile from my little lady

She's so cute!!

I like stepping back and looking at what a little peanut she is in this big chair :) 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Good times, bad times, part II

Ok, so as I was washing my long hair (which I can't remember the time it was this long), I was thinking to myself how stupid it was that I decided it should be now that I have such long hair considering I have a child who wraps it around her little fingers as often as she can. It also gets in the way when I am trying to change my kids, nurse Sadie, and do anything bending over. I also thought about how it got wrapped around Sadie's little toe and then I realized that I forgot to add that to my list of woes in my "Good Times, Bad Times" post. So, here goes...

I had just finished changing Sadie and realized she lost a sock and started to put it on when I noticed a hair wrapped around her pinkie toe. I tried to pull any little strands, breaking them in the process and then quickly realized that it was wrapped around REALLY REALLY tight. Instantly I started freaking out and wracked my brain trying to think of how I can get this off. "Think Betty, think" I yelled out loud. Blake was standing kind of frozen nearby. I then grabbed the smallest thing I could think of that could get underneath a minuscule piece of hair, wrapped tightly around a baby's toe--a steak knife. Wait, what??  Well, we had one that was really thin--thinner than any scissors I had...ok, didn't work and I cut her a little. Sorry Sadie. I then called the nurse hotline and the nurse that answered had no idea what I was dealing with.

Nurse: Could you put some liquid soap on it and slid it off?
Me: I could, no that didn't work. (I honestly didn't think it would, but I frantically tried a bar of soap, knowing it wasn't going to work)
Nurse: I've never heard of this happening. How did this happen?
Me: I don't know, that's not important at the moment!!
Nurse: Ok, you're right. How close is your nearest Urgent Care?

Yep, I took her into urgent care. I was running around like a mad lady, threw on my boots, one sock on, one sock off (only a bandage wrapped around my burnt foot), threw on Blake's clothes. I did take time to get Blake some socks. For once in his life, Blake was completely compliant. Good boy Blake, you know Mommy's freaking out!

By now, Sadie's toe was turning a darker color and getting more swollen. We got to urgent care, and it took a little while for the doctor to get there, but when she did, she used a very small scissors, instantly cutting Sadie, and then went and got a pair of microscopic glasses. Sadie was bound to get cut b/c her toe was so swollen it looked ready to pop. With the glasses on, she pulled some hair off the toe and we think the scissors did cut the hair, but her toe was so swollen around the hair it was impossible to see anything in the crease. I was skeptical that the hair was actually removed b/c it still looked bad, and Sadie had a little cut around the perimeter of her toe from the hair actually cutting her skin. Poor girl. Turns out the doc did get it all and in a couple days it looked back to normal, with a little peeling of the skin around the toe where she was cut. Scott didn't want to look at it the day it happened. He's got a bit of a weak stomach. :)

Well, all that to say, I was a little scared of hair and boiling tea water after that (the tea water from my burnt foot) and I realized how people can become OCD. The doctor told me the worst case she had of hair being tightly wrapped around a body part was when a baby boy come in with a hair wrapped around his...penis. Yeah, that was bad, she said. Now, whenever I see a hair in Blake's diaper, I freak out for a split second and quickly remove it. I seriously thought about cutting my hair boy-style after that incident!

One thing I was extremely thankful for was the fact that I noticed the hair so quickly. Sadie wasn't fussing, so it would have taken quite a while to notice it and who would think to check her foot when she did start fussing???  I am thankful I live close to the doctor as well--this accountant Mommy doesn't do will with medical emergencies! Ok, it wasn't a dire emergency, but it sure freaked me out.

And...a picture of Sadie since I don't like having blog posts without at least one picture :) 

Life in February--not any outdoor photos this time :(

I was just taking a trip down memory lane as I looked at some old photos of our family in the past year. Some things I noticed was how young Blake looked even as recently as during the time I was pregnant with Sadie, how green the grass was in some photos, and how fun it is to watch your child grow. So yes, we are missing the warm weather and running in the grass, but Blake does like to help me shovel, so there's a positive :)

Anyways, once again I find myself looking at photos on my camera and realizing that I'd like to document moments, which is how I usually come up with the content for my blog entries. Sadie is at the age now where she opens her mouth towards you every time you try to kiss her cheek. Love it! :) 

And she goes in for the slobber kiss :) 
 Sadie is starting to develop a bad habit, which is happening partially due to me. At night, she's been waking up more than I'd like and I tried the cry it out method for 3 days and couldn't take it anymore. I was so so so tired b/c I would never get a good chunk of sleep and then I'd be awake for a while listening to her cry until she'd either fall asleep or I would give in and feed her again. So, I found the pacifier does WONDERS for making her stop without feeding her or exerting much effort on my part whatsoever (sitting up, plugging the hole, and going back to sleep). I can't help but think I'm plugging a loud hole...anyways, the only problem with this method is she is continuing to wake up and then gets the gratification of her pacifier, but I'm still too tired to care. I think I'll regret this, b/c once we move her to her crib in the other room, the last thing I want to do is to get up and get her the pacifier. She also doesn't spit it out, oh no, it stays in that mouth until she wakes up again. This girl has got some major sucking skills :)

Sucking on her hands

Happy as a lark :) 
This is another of Blake's pacifiers that he never used, but it has a little stuffed frog on the end so you can easily find it. I think it is hilarious when she uses this!! :) Great concept, the only problem is that it is easy for her to pull out of her mouth and then she gets mad :) 
 On to a Blake story: Scott was getting Blake ready for bed, and true to form, Blake grabs everything in sight to play with or experiment with. This time, he opened the medicine cabinet and found my old college glasses, which I had gotten out since he broke my other two pairs. I was getting Sadie ready for bed, but Scott calls me to come over quick b/c I just have to see this. I have looked at these pictures so many times and laughed and laughed b/c he is just so darn cute and nerdy in these pictures!!!

Smiling for me because he is loving the attention. He has been hating the camera lately, but I lucked out on these

Laughing at himself because we are.

I love love love this picture b/c he looks soooo nerdy!!!! Hahahaha

A smile for Mommy

Mug shot. :) 
 Blake has also loved getting into my kitchen drawers lately--probably b/c he can reach into them and actually `partially` see what is in there. Fascinating how many different "tools" and such that he can find in a drawer.

Drumsticks is one of them (notice who is in the drum...why, it is Teddy Bear, of course)
 I cut Scott and Blake's hair and let's just say they don't get as many haircuts as they probably should...I'm trying to figure out if Blake needs a haircut yet...

What do you think?

I'm thinking this is a "yes" based on his facial expression...

A random picture of me that Blake took (notice the finger blockage in the left corner and Sadie's legs in the upper right) :) 
 We have a girl from church who is inbetween apartments at the moment, and I offered to let her stay here for a month. Scott will be working longer hours at work and it will be nice to have someone here (plus, I'm hoping to get at least one date night with free babysitting out of the deal) :) She (Andrea) has been here a week now and we're really enjoying it. We've played some games with her and on Wednesday night when Scott is helping with youth group, she helped get the kids to bed. She is also perfectly fine with Blake going in her room every morning. Maybe I can convince her to stay a little longer...:)
Anyways, with her arrival came a few new pairs of shoes in our entryway that Blake just couldn't resist...
I don't have knee high boots, so this was a first for him. He got a little frustrated at first that he couldn't get them on b/c they were too tall, but he figured it out (and yes, he is throwing his cup at me b/c he's mad that I'm taking his picture--the cup is mid-flight).

Here he thinks I'm just taking a picture of Teddy Bear (ah ha ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha ha [that's my evil laugh, text style])

Ok, so I did take one of just Teddy Bear as well...
 And, Blake continues to let Sadie borrow Teddy Bear at times as well.
Kids never cooperate with pictures, but I was trying to capture Sadie chewing on Teddy Bear's nose. She was leaning over and trying to gnaw on it, and I ran for my camera and was going to title this picture "Sadie, noooooooooooooooo, don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!"  You've probably guessed it, but yes, Teddy Bear's nose is gross, b/c Blake always chews on it :)
Well, at least I got a cute picture of Sadie :)

Another angle of "the chew"

I just love it when Blake sits down and reads to Sadie. It also helps for Sadie to tolerate tummy time, which she hates. 
Reading "Goodnight Moon"
 Ok, this is turning out to be a lot of pictures. Phew. Obviously, this blogging only happens when both kids are sleeping, which it turns out worked for today. Sadie went down for a nap sooner than I thought, so score, more Mommy time. :)

I've been getting a little frustrated with Teddy Bear lately b/c he's been naughty. He keeps trying to steal Blake's seat at the table and then Blake comes and tells on him. I just inform Blake that he needs to tell Teddy Bear that it isn't Teddy's seat, it is Blake's and then I tell him to move Teddy Bear (no, I don't put Teddy Bear there. Blake does, and then he comes and tells on him).

Also, Teddy Bear had a poopy diaper today:
Um, thank you Blake for making sure Teddy Bear was clean by using almost the entire container of wipes. 

Ok, that's enough! 
 And, it seems appropriate to conclude with a couple sweet, calming photos of sleeping babies :)
Sadie taking a nap

I love looking at her when she sleeps, sigh...

And Blake, who after a couple times of making him get back in his bed, he falls asleep...although I don't remember letting him sleep with more than one stuffed animal...ok, so maybe he got out of his bed more times than I thought...:)

But still precious :) 
Happy 4 month birthday today, Sadie!!! :)