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Monday, December 16, 2013

Sadie is 1 month old!

My goodness, where has the time gone? It both seems like longer and shorter than a month that we've had our little Sadie here (when I started this post, is was actually a month--it is now 1.5 months, haha). It's kind of funny how pregnancy seems forever and then after the baby is born, you occasionally remember how uncomfortable you were when pregnant, but pretty much forget about the belly. Kind of like when you are sick, once you are better you don't really think of your cold much again.
Anyways, it has been an adjustment having a second child, but has been better than I anticipated. With Blake, we had more struggles, more crying, and more stress, but Sadie has been a wonderful baby. She eats great, sleeps well, and is overall a very pleasant baby. She does however seem to eat so much that she leaks through her cloth diapers, haha. I've got to figure that one out soon :) Blake didn't have that problem this early b/c he was a terrible eater!
I'd say Sadie is officially out of newborn clothing and is sporting the 0-3 month clothes quite well. Here are a few one-month documentary photos that we like to take.
Sadie is 1 month already!!

I love this picture! She's so cute here!

Mom, please leave me alone!

Good grief--I'll just have to wait this one out.
In her bouncy seat.
Isn't she pretty? She's my little peanut ;)

Snoozing with Mom on the couch. I love this picture--glad Scott decided to take it.

I was pretty sleepy too :)

Blake joining his sister for some tummy time, of course, after he covered her up with his "blankie." This isn't actually his blankie, but looks a lot like it. It is a changing table cover which had just been washed and he grabbed from the laundry basket and proclaimed it his blankie. :)

My kids

Being silly. Notice he positioned his teddy to be touching Sadie's head. This was intentional and my goodness, does he love that bear. More so now that Sadie has invaded our house :)
Blake's new thing is to help me in the kitchen. Once I start making dinner, he runs over, grabs a chair and starts pushing it to the kitchen exclaiming, "Need help? Need help?" to which I obviously say, "of course I need help!"

Having Blake "help" me in the kitchen definitely requires some patience as well as a willingness to clean up after him, change his wet clothes, and watch him closely while I prepare dinner. I secretly love it though. Yesterday, he dumped all my cayenne pepper into a bowl and was stirring it with a wire whisk. Thankfully, I noticed before he licked any off his hands!! Oh, I also made some Molasses Spice cookies which I took to a church event, and Blake was helping me with those as well. He dumped out some oregano into a separate bowl, and was playing with it, so the oregano stuck to his hands. He kept trying to touch my unbaked cookies and I thought I was ok, but apparently he touched one (or at least two) b/c I definitely tasted oregano on two of them...hopefully those were the only two!!! haha

Of course, Teddy has to help as well.

He's trying to turn on the water, or grab the sprayer...not sure which
Yes, this is my favorite candle, nicely dusted with pepper. Thanks for helping Mommy, Blakey!!