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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day after tax season post

I'm back :) Here's a couple videos of Blake rolling to his tummy. That's his new thing. He does it all the time now, and even fell asleep on his tummy b/c I'm pretty sure he's forgotten that after he gets on his tummy, he does know how to get back on his back. He just fusses if he wants to be on his back. I thought I'd let him figure it out on his own, but he just fell asleep instead :)

Giving up.
Funny video


Rollover again

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ok, Ok...

I didn't realize I'd get so many requests for pictures, but here are some more. Recently got asked for some smiling pictures (really, I don't care--I like that people want to see my baby because I am more than willing to show him off)!

Froggy legs, Froggy butt

Ok, so the hat's a little big...

Much better angle. :)

Oh yeah, I'm cool

But I don't wanna be a gangstaaaaaaaa!

I'm bored. What's on the ceiling...?
Daddy always makes me laugh!

Ok really. Are we doing this again? What is Daddy doing??

He, I guess it is kind of funny...

No, it is really funny! Silly Daddy!

Oh, keep doing your funny faces!

Is he done....?


And we finally got one looking at the camera :) Mission accomplished.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Yes, I know I've been MIA lately, but alas, it is tax season and I've succumbed to the pressures of working more hours. I've not done this for a long time--a couple Saturdays and this week I am working 4 10 hours days, which means I'm gone from 7 am to 8 pm. Long day to be away from my sweetie, so we played a lot tonight after work. I really enjoyed it and Blake did too :)

Whoever said it is more fun to shop for a girl didn't realize how adorable little boys can be in sweater vests. Check out this outfit. I actually plan to use it for his 6 month pictures, so there. I ruined the surprise of what he will wear...

 Ok, gotta run. Short and sweet this time. More to come when I have more time!!

Oh, and this was adorable--Blake looked like he was snuggling with his favorite puppy. Had to take several pics :)

And a big smile for puppy!!

Chillin' with Daddy

Apparently this is a funny book :)